chapter 24

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"i can't believe we're at this agian," chenle whined, burying his head into a pillow on his bed.

and not just any pillow, but the one that daiyu had in her arms when entering his dorm.

"hey! i sleep with that one!"

yeah. it was late, and she had really thought it was a good idea to bring her pillow with her, just in case she would be getting a chance to sleep.

he rose his head just enough to be able to look at her, before letting it fall back down with a groan.

"do i look like i care?"

it took a lot of self-control and counting to ten to stop daiyu from whacking her partner with the notepad in her hands.

but what she couldn't deny, was that his previous statement was right.

they were at it agin.

two weeks had passed, and the fourth episode was knocking on their doors.

so since chenle and daiyu finally managed to co-exist in the same room without anyone ending up in the infirmary — or worse even; the head-teacher's office —, the boy had called, stating that his dorm was clean.

that was literally the only thing he said, and at daiyu's confused answer, he just hummed and then hung up, calling her again less than five minutes later to tell her to hurry up.

the only positive thing about the situation was that once they filmed the video, they would be more than halfway through the project.

"get down here, we need to start filming." daiyu ordered, getting sick of chenle's antics.

awfully slow, just to tease the girl, got up from the bed and sat down next to her in the ground.

meanwhile, she was setting up the camera.

for the clip, they had planned to explain how the molecule's "relationships" as they were calling it, could break apart.

after quickly skimming through the script together for the last time, chenle started the video.

after the second time filming together, daiyu had decided to give up and just let chenle do whatever with the intro. there was really no point in stopping him.

but then it was her turn to talk, and he once again thought that it would be funny to ignore the script.

"so pumpkin here will-"

"are you really gonna be calling me that?"

it's not like it was an awful nickname. in fact; it sounded pretty sweet, but that was exactly what threw daiyu off.

it was the kind of nickname you would give a lover, and that didn't sit right with her. it just didn't fit their relationship at all.

"i mean, it's prettier than your real name."

that was a lie.

chenle liked her name. a lot.

'black jade' that was the meaning. and now that he thought of it, he had quite often seen her wearing a thin silver necklace with some sort of black gemstone as a pendant.

she was even wearing it right now.

was that the reason? was that a black jade?

he was quickly brought back to reality when the girl next to him gave him a rather painful flick to the forehead.

as if nothing had happened, she then continued talking to the camera.

chenle sat there at her side, getting lost in his thoughts again as he observed the girl.

'she sure is a great actress.' a small mischievous grin made its way to his face.

'if i hadn't known better, i would've thought she actually knows what she is talking about.'

almost as if she had read her partner's thoughts, daiyu turned her head around and glared at the smiling boy.

luckily, he got the clue and straightened his posture, continuing with his part of the explanation.

the two eventually ran out of information to share and ended the video with their usual goodbyes.

with a few clicks on the keyboard, chenle had saved the clip and the posted it right away.

daiyu was stunned.

"shouldn't we have cut that out?"

apparently, chenle knew very well what she was talking about, as he didn't even turn to look at her when answering.

"nah. it's for the students, right? they'll like it. after all, everything that gives them a reason to gossip is enjoyable to them."

"so your making us a platform for school gossip?"

he finally rotated his head, a proud smile on his face.

"yup. that's pretty much it."

daiyu couldn't believe what she was hearing.

she wanted to say something, to yell at him about how stupid he was being, but he didn't even give her time to sort out her thoughts, as he started talking again.

"look at it this the way i do; if we become relevant to drama obsessed teens, more people will watch our blog, which means more views and likes for us, which then equals a better grade for the project."

'shit. he's not even wrong.'

still, she couldn't just let him have that.

instead, the girl simply scoffed, diverting her gaze.

"whatever. just make sure you don't make us look bad."

he flashed her a charming smile, and daiyu couldn't help but soften a little at that.

'oh my, why does god always make the most annoying ones attractive?'


is that progress we're seeing? 🤔

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