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TW: Self Harm

The 118 firefighters were all having a conversation at the table as Artie was in the bathroom cleaning her wrist with some disinfectant wipes as she winced slightly but after cleaning and placing a Band-Aid on her fresh cuts that overlapped her previous scars as she rubbed her neck taking some Advil as she was tired from lack of sleep.

"Fuck." Artie wiped her mouth with a frown lingering on her face before she left the room after hearing the alarm.

They all get out of the fire truck as they pull up to a golf course. A pilot had to make an emergency landing for his girlfriend who has began to panic

"All right, let's put her over here." Bobby says as him and the boyfriend place her on the ground they all then circle her to do their job "Okay. Does she have any history of heart problems?"

"No, she's only 32." He explains "How does this happen?"

"Blood pressure's 80/40." Hen tells them "Still dropping."

"Hen, looks like a possible heart attack." Buck tells her

"Nitro sublingual." Bobby says as bucks phone rang.

"Hey, Abbs, I'm-I'm on a call....Wait, wh-what stunt?" Buck looked back at the boyfriend "you faked an emergency?"

"I was proposing." He defends "I thought I was being romantic."

"Guys, she's on levothyroxine." Buck tells them all, "Not a heart attack." He confessed.

"Broken heart syndrome?" Artie enquires.

"That's what I'm thinking." Bobby nods at her.

"Okay. I'll get the adenosine." Hen says before standing up.

"That's a real thing?" The boyfriend asks.

"Clearly." Artie said bluntly giving him a cold look, mentally she was thinking he was an idiot for faking an emergency.

"Mimics the symptoms of a heart attack. It was probably brought on by her thyroid medication" Bobby explains to the boyfriend.

"And you nearly scaring her half to death." Artie adds.

"You don't treat it the same as a cardiac event." Hen says once she comes back to them; "That nitro we almost gave her could've caused some real damage." Hen stated.

"All right, she's coming to. She's coming to." Bobby says as the girl wakes up, "that's it. Take some deep breaths." Bobby instructed the woman.

"Good call, Abby. She's, uh, she's conscious." Buck spoke into his phone as the girl gasps as Artie gave a subtle glance at him nearby.

"All right, you think you can sit up?" Artie asks placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Here, take it slowly." Bobby added.

"Can I see the ring again?" The girls asks.

"I think she's actually considering his proposal." Buck speaks into his phone once again.

"Yes." The girl says as he puts the ring on her as Artie raised a brow in disbelief at the response if anyone ever did that to her she'd personally decline but each to their own.

"She said yes." Buck smiles, the girl then slaps her boyfriend, "And she smacked him."

"Good." Artie said a bit of a disgruntled look on her face as she scratched her sleeve in irritation at the cuts on her arms which the action didn't go unnoticed by Hen, who was curious about her itchiness but she knew Artie would shirt her down for asking but it's not like Hen wouldn't observe the behaviour.

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