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Help Is Not Coming
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Artie stood up from the area she was sitting at and she looked at her radio before she snuck around the building.

"Fuck it." Artie mumbled as she snuck inside and she was on the lower level of the unstable building.

"Will Bobby kill me? Inevitably, I don't care though." Artie scrambled her frame around or over the rubble.

"Hen!" Artie called out as she climbed over a slab of rubble that crumbled to the ground with a slam as she winced while she crawled around as she huffed in irritation at the radio getting caught on a corner as she struggled to move past it since the area she was in was extremely narrow as she squirmed her way through the narrow path as she sighed seeing her radio being demolished by the walls as she walked around.

"Bobby! Buck, Chim? Help!" Hen shouted into her radio as her head turned when she heard a familiar voice.

"Artie!" Hen called out when she heard the youngest member shout.

"Hen!" Artie said as she clambered into the crawl space.

"I'm kinda glad I'm so short now." Artie breathed out.

"The hell are you doing here? Cap's gonna kill you! I might kill you." Hen hissed.

"I know, I know but you didn't respond and the others were worried, so I snuck in through a window and uh... the way I came in won't fit you at all it's too narrow." Artie huffed.

"Damn it." Hen sighed.

"How narrow?"

"Well being an underweight 5'3 compared to a 5'7 woman in a 2 feet width walk space then the crawl space that is legit the width of a box to get here after the walk space isn't wise, no offence." Artie exhaled harshly.

"So definitely not that way and none taken." Hen murmured.

"Definitely not." Artie agreed.

"Your radio?" Hen asked as Artie winced and pulled it out showing it was defective.

"It got caught on a bit of the slab in the walkway entrance and it tugged on it and squished it." Artie groaned.

"Great." Hen inhaled sharply.

"If uh Bobby finds you just say I never entered." Artie shrugged as Hen bit her lip.

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