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Fight or Flight
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"I got here as fast as I could." Eddie said when he entered the hospital, Chimney got stabbed, "How is he?" Eddie asked.

"Alive, but he has a punctured lung and a lacerated stomach." Hen stood up as soon as she saw him.

"Is he in surgery?" Eddie sighed.

"Not yet. He's lost a lot of blood. But as soon as he's stable, they'll prepare him for surgery." Artie said walking up to the two now.

"Who would do something like that?" He looked up at the two.

"Maddie's ex, makes sense." Artie said.

"You know, Detective Marks didn't believe me. He said no one could be that stupid. I said, you don't know Buck." Athena said as a few police officers stood behind her. Buck just used Chimney's fingerprint to unlock his phone.

"Deer doesn't think logically when it's someone he cares about, Athena, we know that." Artie pursed her lips as she spared a glance at the others and went to follow Buck.

"You know if you didn't do that like at all, I wouldn't need to be here to make sure you don't do anything stupid or impulsive but that's your thing." Artie looked at Buck who was sitting in the chair next to him.

"If you don't like it, why don't you leave?" Buck snapped.

"Sergeant Grant's orders, Buck." The brunette huffed.

"So... that was a bold move." Eddie came and sat in the free seat next to Artie on the bench.

"Yes, yes, I know. 'What were you thinking, Buck?' I already received an ear from Athena." Buck sighed.

"No, I know what you were thinking. I have sisters too. I still don't know how you thought you'd get away with it." Eddie shook his head at Buck.

"I wasn't worried about it. It's, like, the police have all these rules, you know rules that are going to get Maddie killed." Buck exclaimed as he turned to the two, "But-but I'm a civilian. These rules don't apply to me, do they?"

"So why are you in prison in the hospital, idiot?" Artie looked at him, then at Athena who was a few meters away from them.

"I told Maddie... I said she didn't need to keep running, that she could start again here, that she would be safe. That I would keep her safe." Buck teared up.

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