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The Searchers
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Chris had been struggling agains the current but now he was on land that hadn't been affected by the tsunami, he had been calling out for Buck and Artie as he was searching for them and hoped they'd find
him, he seen by two siblings as the male leaned over the car he was on and picked up the child and the redhead female looked at woman who gave her a red jumper and a towel, the dirty blonde male dried him off.

"Artie, Buck...." Chris mumbled.

"Artie? Buck?" Kayla muttered.

"They were with me... Artie tried to save me again, but she was hit by something and I couldn't see her anymore, I need Buck and her." Chris whispered as the woman was holding him.

Meanwhile with Buck, he found Chris's red glasses as he placed them on his neck as he was searching for Chris and Artie.

"Have you seen a little boy? He's 8 years old, with red glasses. He has CP. What about Artie, brown hair and she was wearing a purple shirt."

"No haven't seen a woman but the boy might be over there." The woman pointed nearby as Buck thanked her and left her as he went to the boy, he frowned seeing it wasn't Christopher.

Artie was still in the water her eyelids closed.

A 4 year old Artie was looking at her book as her dad came out of his office area.

"Hi Daddy." Artie grinned, he had told her earlier today she'd be able to do a room alone.

"Hey Darling, come here, ready to go?" Pete said with a grin as she ran over to him happily.

"Yeah! I'm a little scared but you'll protect me right?" Artie asked, Pete had his hands in his pockets after hugging her.

"Always." Pete said with a glint of amusement in his eyes. He loved her as much as he could given his psychological problems and being diagnosed with Psychopathy and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which was mainly controlled when it was aimed at Artie.

He pulled out a bottle and a cloth. Then he crouched down, dousing the cloth wigh a dab of the chemical.

"Is it gonna hurt?" Artie asked nervously, Kate and Artie weren't allowed to know exactly where on the property the house duplicate and the escape rooms were much to the displeasure of Kate, he always covered them with bags or in a few cases had used a sedative by injection but today he had a cloth and chloroform for just Artie today.

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