Chapter 6

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****** Freya's P.O.V *******

I'm glad today went very well. Howard liked all our work today. I even heard from Rita that Mace-Tech wants to hire us to cater to their next big official event. This is so good for Mr.Brown, for Howard, for me, for all of us. The shiny look on Howard's eyes, it filled me up with joy. In some sorts, I was indebted to Howard. 

After mom passed away I had to find a way to support myself. Mr. Brown was very kind enough to offer me this job. But it's really Howard who trained me and helped me all the way. I can proudly say now that being Chef is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Howard can be critical and tough when it comes to work but he is good at heart, I know. I'm really looking forward to that big catering event so that I can work hard and repay my debt to Howard and Mr. Brown even in the smallest possible way.

I wonder how Leo's doing, such an unlucky day for him. He meant no harm, seems to be a good guy, I can understand his confusion, lack of experience, I was in his shoes once upon a time. I hope he is doing well. I have an hour off tomorrow maybe I shall make some lunch for him and take to his house? Oh, no...that's a bit too much maybe I don't even know him that well. May be his friend will take care of him.

Suddenly my doorbell rang.

It's Stella !!! My bestie from high school. I haven't been in touch with any of my friends for a long time until recently one lucky day Stella visited Brown's hub. She is such a beautiful and fun-loving bubbly girl. She wanted to be an actress when we were in high school and always used to bug me to practice dialogues with her. I still can't believe she is working as a teacher at a kindergarten now. Well, I think our preferences change as we grow older.

"Freya!! I think he's gonna propose" Stella's eyes widened with happiness.


"Yes, Last night I saw a small black box with a ring in it hidden in his dress closet, such a lousy place to hide, I know" unlimited excitement in her voice.

"Oh my god!!! That's great Stella, congratulations sugar!! I'm so happy for you" I wrapped my arms around her.

"Look! I want you to be there at the party this Sunday, I need your support darl!!" She said.

Of course, I'm going to be there! I will not miss your biggest moment for anything, we both hugged tightly giggling.

I'm sure Stella's boyfriend is a nice guy. I've never met him personally but what I've heard about him from Stella I think he's a great guy.

Later we went out shopping to buy a beautiful one-piece for Stella's birthday and I got one for myself too. I felt the outfit is a bit tight and showy opposite to my taste but Stella insisted that I get it. 

I never had a real boyfriend before. All my time I invested in surviving this concrete jungle and focussing on my career as a sous chef. Sometimes I miss the feeling of being close to a person. Walking while holding hands, a little kiss on the forehead, cuddling while watching movies, just simple things but things that make a lot of difference. 


I hope you liked Freya's first P.O.V, please show lots of love guys <3: LK

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