Chapter 24

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******* Freya's P.O.V *******

Leo pushed me behind him towering my small frame putting himself in front of the deadly weapon. There was a grave silence among the five of us while people are partying around indifferent to what's happening.

I can't just stand behind Leo and watch when he is putting his life at risk for me. I stepped in front of him with my arms wide open and shouted: "If someone's going to die today it will be me, you leave him out of this". I don't know I had that courage inside me to face the tattooed guy but with Leo's life at risk, I'm ready to be anything to do anything. 

"Oh, the little kitten knows how to roar" the tattoed guy scoffed with a devilish grin on his face.

All of a sudden Gavin grabbed a bottle and attacked the guy from behind and Leo pushed me aside and hit the tattooed guy's head with his throwing the gun away into the partying crowd. Within seconds ten more guys are on their way towards us. I could see from my peripheral vision, Leo gave a nod to Gavin and grabbed my hand and before I knew we are running across the crowd making our way out of the casino.

We ran towards the parking lot and are lucky enough to find a unlocked NIKEN GT. Leo got on the motorcycle pulling me on along with him wasting no time to escape the mob following us.

He is going over 170kmph and I wrapped my arms around him so tight that even death couldn't tear us apart.

After road racing for a good thirty minutes, we are sure now that we are not being followed and stopped at a nearby gas station. It's started raining heavily outside. Leo called Gavin from my phone and thank God they are fine too. In an hour we are back at the hotel in my room. Leo wrapped a blanket around and me and made some hot tea for us. 

"I--I am extremely sorry for what happened today Leo" I looked down holding my teacup.

"Hey, you know what? It's no way to behave towards a lady like that" he came closer towards me.

"Forget about what happened today. He's not going to harm us anymore. Mr.Star told me he took care of the situation using his family connections. I want you to take rest completely tonight and be ready for your big day tomorrow" I see his still bruised knuckles from the fight and I couldn't control myself and tears started pouring down my cheeks.

He lifted my chin slightly so that I could look straight into his eyes and pressed his lips on to my forehead gently whispering "It's okay Fre". I was shaken by the touch of his lips on my body and I felt the time is frozen for a second in his warm embrace. 

A knock on our door and I knew instantly it's Stella.

Leo left the room and went outside while Stella came inside and sat beside me.

"Is that your wonderful plan to get all of us killed?" I flared up on her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think things would end up that way" she cast her puppy eyes at me.

"What did you expect then?" I furrowed my brows.

"Maybe friendly bickering between your hot friend and the guy" she bit her lip. 

I rolled my eyes in disbelief that she tried to get Leo hurt.

"Hey at least you know now" she winked. 


"He fuckin was ready to take a bullet for you, do you think he'd do that if he doesn't feel anything for you? before you kill me.." she ran towards the door.

I'm glad nothing happened to Leo, otherwise, I could never forgive myself. I was on the verge of snapping at Stella but then she didn't intend things to go down like that. I'm just happy we are all safe and sound and slowly dozed off thinking about the sweet kiss earlier. 


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