Chapter 19

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********* Freya's P.O.V **********

Leo and I started walking towards the apartment. We haven't talked anything since the morning after the 'naked disaster'. Breaking the vicious air of deadly awkwardness between us I said: "I..I wanna say something to you, I'm sorry, for what happened yesterday night and in the morning, it's my mistake that I drank too much and my mistake I forgot to lock the door" I lowered my head gazing at the ground. 

"That's okay Freya, accidents can happen to anyone I'm just glad it wasn't with someone else" his eyes are filled with mischief. 

What does he mean by that?  "Uh...I will make dinner for us" I ran towards the kitchen perplexed.

"I'm gonna take a shower and will join you, couldn't shower in the morning you know why" he shouted teasingly.

My cheeks went cherry red. 

                                            ********** Lucas's P.O.V *********

"Wow, what is this?" I was awestruck by the delicious stuff on my plate.

"It's Escargot pasta. The base is cream and mushroom with a dash of Thai spices and parmesan cheese on top. It's kinda fusion dish" She explained. 

"This is amazing! Why don't we have this on our menu? I bet people will get in queue's to have this one" I admired sincerely. 

"Well, I actually kinda created this dish for Mace-Tech event. I even showed it to Howard to get his approval to put it on the menu. But now it's not possible anymore", deep despair in her voice.   

"I really wished we could have gotten the contract and I could present my creation" she sighed. 

Freya's sad and I am the reason behind it. I feel very guilty. I have to make this right. There's already a lot I'm sorry about and I don't want to add this to my list but I've got to be careful. I went to bed thinking of a solution. 

It is a quiet morning. We both got ready and left for the hub. 

"Oh my god oh my god" !! blonde ran towards the kitchen in excitement. Before she opened her mouth again to explain the reason behind her excitement Howy barged into the kitchen.

"Guy's I'm glad to tell you that Mace-Tech decided to hire us for their upcoming 5G launch event and we'll be working along with the "Walton Hotel" staff. The event will take place next Saturday at Walton Hotel Hall and We'll be going there tomorrow,  a week in advance to prepare for the upcoming event. Our accommodation is set at Walton Hotel itself for a total of one week" Howy announced happily. 

I could see Christmas lights on Freya's eyes, exactly like I wanted it. Last night I called destiny and Mr.Brown about the change of plans and ordered everything to be arranged accordingly. 

"So we'll be closing the hub now and everyone prepare yourself for tomorrow.  We will discuss everyone's duties, complete menu everything else tomorrow together with the Walton team", Howy instructed. 

"Mr.Wills and Fre, I need to discuss something with you guys before you leave," said Howy.

I have been waiting for an hour almost by now for Freya outside the hub. The weather became quite chilly these days. Fall is on its way and it's my favourite season.

"Leo, what are you doing here? I thought you were already gone!" 

"Of course not! We gotta celebrate, we finally got the contract"! I fist-bumped my hand in the air. 

"Do you have something on your mind"? she asked. 

Maybe a drive around the city in my new Ford Mustang and a champagne party on my cruise ... "Nothing in particular, if you wanna do something I'm all in" I grinned.

"Okay then let's go!", She took my hand and we got on the bus at Falcon Street. 

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