To The Broken Hearted Girl

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Psalm 34:18NKJV

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Psalm 34:18

18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,

The Bible says that God is close to a broken heart. Has your heart ever been broken before? Has it been hurt, betrayed, wounded, and filled with scars so deep you can't see how they would ever heal?

God hasn't left you, but He's close to you. Sis, your broken heart is something from which God wants to heal you. Stop, and I repeat, stop going away from God.

It's breaking you and God. Give Him all the pieces. The pieces that you want to forget about, cry to Him about that traumatizing situation.

We can cry and feel pain but we know to who to direct our broken hearts. When you cry, don't cry alone but cry before God. When you're in pain, don't remain in pain alone but go with your pain to God.

Our times of sorrow, pain, frustration and anguish aren't times to try to fix everything ourselves or deal with everything ourselves but to run to our comforter.

Even Jesus when He was filled with sorrow, went to God. The bible tells us how He was heavily sorrowed yet He went to God in prayer constantly.

I believe that as we are followers of Christ, He is teaching us what to do during tough times. Though Jesus didn't want to go through the pain of the cross, He went to God, poured out His request and prayed for God's will. I want you to do the same, when you feel stressed, tired, or broken to run to God, pour out your heart, pour out your requests and at the end ask for the Lord's will and also pray for strength.

Throughout the Psalm, I would see how David would pour out His heart. He would tell God His pain, His heart and anguish but He would also end with prise.


Because the way we enter the presence of God isn't the way we leave. We enter with pain, anguish, confusion and hurt but leave with peace, love, joy and boldness.

I notice that whenever I ran to God during the most difficult moment I've had, I could go with tears and pain but as I'm about to close my prayer, I'm filled with so much peace, so much joy, so much confidence and faith. I could have gone discouraged and burdened but in the presence of God, I feel renewed.

Whenever you feel heavy the way you do, remember you have the Holy Spirit inside of you that's your Comforter.

He is there, with you. Often we sometimes ignore Him or forget we aren't alone but we can pour out our hearts to Him. He is there to comfort and help us.

John 14:16
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,

So you're never alone, but forever you'll have The Holy Spirit with you, listening to you, comforting you, giving you peace when you'll feel panic etc.

God is the One who stays when everyone leaves. God is the One who listens when no one understands. God is the One who can help you and help you let go of that pain. The One sees when you feel invisible. The One that is with you, won't leave you and truly deeply loves you.

Psalm 62:8
8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.


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