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Thank God for Rosita in this house, I probably would go to work on an empty stomach everyday

"Thank You for always Rosita... "
I smiled at her as she served breakfast

"Just doing my job sir"

"Which You are doing exquisitely well... We should talk about a raise soon"

"Ohh thank you so much sir "

She has earned it, there's alot of things a man living on an empty stomach can't do and am glad I don't ever have to go to work on an empty stomach

And she doesn't just make good meals.. They are very tasty and appeasing too

As I munch unto my breakfast and enjoy the mouth watering meal
My wife walked into the dinning area in her nightwear with her long  wavy blond hair everywhere as she swayed her way towards me

Let's just say there was a time when seeing her like this made my  mornings infact my whole day but lately..I don't know, it always cool when we are not at each other's throat..... Although She still drives me wild and remains the most beautiful woman in the world to me

I just wish we didn't have so much to worry about all the time but how can I ignore these things when she never listens, when she's never here

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on my lips
It felt lingering and I have to admit if she had gone a little further
I may have eased up a bit on my anger towards her

"Good morning my love "
She said as she took her seat beside me
I ignored her and focus on breakfast

"Wow.... Someone's got a big appetite, I suddenly feel so hungry , where's  Rosita... Rosita "

Rosita rushed out of the kitchen,

"Yes ma'am "

"I'd like to have breakfast now please"

"What would you like to have ma'am "

"Let's start with smoothies... Rosita "

"Don't You think you should do somethings yourself sometimes "
I chipped in..... I doubt if she has even stepped her feet in that kitchen the whole year

"What do you mean"

"Rosita already made breakfast.... It not her fault that you don't like what she prepared "

"I don't understand......I can't take scrambled eggs and you know why... Besides That's why she's here... Or are you complaining Rosita "

"No... Ma'am... Not at all"

"Then get me my smoothie please "

"Right away.. Ma'am "

Rosita walked back to the kitchen and Jessica turned her gaze on me
I felt uncomfortable but I wasn't ready to give her that satisfaction just yet so I continued eating

"What's up with you "


"Who else.... "

I nod my head

"Are You still upset about last night "

"What about last night...... "

"I didn't mean to return home so late.... the traffic was hectic and there was nothing I could do about it"


"OK..... That's all you are gonna say... Okay"

"What do you want me to say "

"Something..  Anything.. You were pissed last night on the phone and I know you have a lot to say.... So get on with it"

"And now I don't feel like saying anything "

"You can't be serious..... I know you are upset so why won't you just talk to me"

"I don't feel talking or arguing this morning "

"We dont have to argue if we can just Straighten this out as adults"

"What difference is it going to make "

"Alot of difference.... You can't be quiet and expect me to understand your unspoken words, so unless you actually talk to me.. We can't work things out.... "

"I have been repeating the same for God knows how long.... How many times have you actually made any effort to change that "

"Felix..." She sighed.... " Honey you talk like am not making any sacrifices. You know the nature of my job... I can't just decide when I can available, my job could be anytime and anywhere.... Do you know how many offers I have to turn down just so I can actually make time for you. For us "

"You hosted a show for two whole weeks. You were gone and you didn't think that you should be home the minute you landed back in town"

"Hawkins had given me that invite months ago.. I didn't even know it was the same day.. I would have told you earlier... It was not until my assistant told me about it that I recalled.... And Hawkins is such a sweetheart, he has helped me in so many ways.. I needed to grace his occasion with my presence even if it was just for a few minutes and that was it, I left there almost immediately I got there ..... Then we got stuck in traffic.... That wasn't my doing "

"Now that you have explained..... Did it change anything "

"Why are you being so difficult "

"Exactly... The same way you are being insensitive.... I don't want to talk about this. It just adds up to one of our many problems "

"Felix "

I stood up

"Am late for work "

I walked out of the house with my driver trailing behind with my bag

Work it out my foot
She never listens to anything I say

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