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After a while of chatting endlessly
We watched one of Becca's favorite show. Romantic comedy. Girly and annoying stuff but I think I can handle that for one night and I wasn't even feeling sleeping anymore

Every moment with my best friend counts
we ordered pizza as we were too lazy to cook

"Can I just move in with you and Pepe?"

"Now.. That's ridiculous "she laughed... But I wasn't joking

"I know..... But I've grown really attached to you Becca.. It almost like you are dumping me because am not licking your ass"

"Gross... Is that what you think we do"

"Am just stating the obvious"

"You don't know the first thing to being gay"

"Yeah right.... And this weekend.... That's too soon"

"I know.. I did try to tell you earlier but you are either drunk... Or sleeping like a drunk or unavailable and it goes on like that for days... But the truth is.. I didn't know how to tell you... You know you are not exactly that easy to talk with when you are in your mood"

"What mood"

"The one you came home with... You haven't told me why you are so grumpy today and you came home early too"

"It's a dumb story.... You probably don't wanna hear it"

"I don't like all your stories but I listen to them anyways "
I punch her shoulder

"Aooww "

I stick out my tongue


"Eleanor almost fined me this morning"

"Not again.. You really need to stop with this your late habits... Not everybody can condone with that"

"Well I didn't let her fine me... So she put me up for a task instead"

"What task.... "


Becca burst into LAUGHTER

"You.... Marketing.. Really"

"Duhhh... I actually got us two customers.. So suck it"

"Impressive... So what ruined your mood? You don't like your new job description"

"That's not it...... In process of being my stupid self, I may have cost someone his job"

"What... What did you do?"

I gave her a quick recap of the day's crisis and she listened attentively.. She always does and I love her for that

"Ahhh Tilda, You can't always have it your way... "

"I know.... I wish this was revealed to me earlier in a dream or something... I would have avoided that elevator "

"So what are you going to do now"

"I honestly don't know.. Bec, and I feel so stupid... That a respectable job that feeds him and his family and that man just stripped him off without a second thought"

"Maybe you should go back there and beg him or something"

"I already begged him I doubt if he is going to change his mind"

"You won't know until you try"

"I don't think I have it in me to step in that place ever again... The look on Desmond would literally haunt me for the rest of my life"

"Don't beat yourself up..... This shit happens all the time. Even in the hospital.... You mess around with the rich kids and you are fired.... It just the way the world works"

"This is a living hell"

"No Tilda... It doesn't always have to be this way... You just have to see the world differently and improve your attitude"

"So my attitude sucks"

"Basically..... I think you need to stop all your unnecessary hiking trips and boat cruise and attending parties of people you don't even know"

"Yeah... So you want to turn me into another version of you.... Not gonna happen.. I like my life and I like to have fun"

"But you know. You need to be responsible for yourself but am always just a phone call away.. If you need anything... Just don't hesitate to call"

"Is this the guilty conscience speaking?"

"No its not...... And there's also Julian"

"Ohh please! Julian seriously... You would advise me to call your brother for help, one whose feelings I never returned "

"It doesn't matter... Julian cares about you ... Besides am just weighing all options here"

"Indeed... Thanks mom... You help is help enough"

"Silly girl"

"I can handle myself Becca... Don't flatter yourself.. What I won't take is you talking to me like a child.... No I won't... Am a big girl"

"Ohhh yeah"

"Yes madam.. You need to cut me some slacks.. You are just two years older than me"

"Am glad.. You are it taking this way"

"Gimme a break.... So how are we going to spend the next few days as roomies "

We talked on and on all through the night
and before I knew it, the week was gone
and I was so close to saying Goodbye to my best friend

I met Becca stones when I recently moved into town; I was getting a vaccine from the hospital when I heard the nurses chat about looking for a roommate

I was in need of an apartment myself, and we linked up and it has been great ever since.
It was like we've known each other for years

Becca is such an amazing soul even while I was job hunting she would always try to support me. She never argues or takes offenses to my pointless and meaningless jokes..

No one has ever put up with me this long except for my dad of course because I was his problem..... Even my nana always shoves me out the door when I become really unbearable

I moved in and out of three apartments in college because I was crazy.... I still am... But am grateful I found Becca.... She made my life a lot tolerable, she fed me, cloth me and support me

When she saw my designs.. She was marveled and she encouraged me
Her brother Julian is attracted to me but I always saw him as a brother than a lover

I mean I spent the last three Christmas with their family.. And I've just grown to love them as my family

Every day with Becca is magical
And I'm going to miss her but I can't hold her back
An angel in flesh like her deserves to be shown to the world

And Pepe is the damn lucky one

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