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The night was a long endless mind blowing session

I don't think I have felt this way all my life... The longing, the wanting, the passion, the moaning, the pain and satisfaction

Every time it got better and hotter.. I wished it would last forever but the night ended quickly and by 4: am he got up to leave

I stare at him as he got out of the bath
His back turned towards me as he throws on his pants

I watched his bare broad shoulders
His fair skin and muscles
it took all I had to remain on the bed because I badly want to crawl on his back and kiss him

He got dressed quickly and was ready to leave

"Do you really have to leave "
I asked slowly?

"I have to...... "

"Come to bed and I will prove to you that you don't have to"

"Sounds tempting.... But I have to hurry now. I have work and I still have to go home and change"

"You haven't even had any sleep yet"

"All thanks to you"

"Me.... "I giggled "what did I do"

"You kept me awake all night.... "

"You didn't lemme go either....Besides I was trying to show you just how grateful I am for getting me this place"

"OH... I see"

"Was it worth it?"

"Not even close"

I laughed and throw him a pillow

"So what do I do now"

"Just be a good girl and take care of yourself"

"I think I can do that.... I still can't believe this"

He moved closer and bent to kiss me on my lips... Pulling away too soon

"I will see you soon" he walked away


He was out of the room before I could hear him
I pulled the white sheets closer and wrapped my naked body in it

Now I actually wished he didn't have to go.....
. I miss him already
Gosh... I can't get rid of all the dirty things I want to do to him

I tried to get up from the bed but I was so sore...
I decided to rest a little before I go wash myself in the bathroom but the moment my head hit the pillow I snooze off
I wasn't surprised when I woke up and it was past 2 pm....
A lot of people might have trouble sleeping but I don't
my own trouble comes with waking up... I can't count how many alarms I have destroyed just to continue my sleep.... And how many times I have yelled at Becca for trying to wake me up..... It was always war to get out of bed every morning
which has cost me lot of jobs and interviews

The first thing I did when I opened my eyes was to check if am still in the big white house and lying on the comfy queen sized bed

Just to make sure that everything that happened last night was not a dream

When I was greeted with the warm vanilla fragrance and white walls
I smiled.... It is not every day you wake up to something that has only lived in your fantasy

I jumped on the bed and scream.
This neighborhood has to know that they have a new crazy tenant

After spreading my hands in the air, and screaming for Joy.. I decided to take my bath

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