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I stood for fifteen minutes and those minutes were the longest fifteen minutes of my life

I composed and scrap out over a hundred apology sentences but everything I came up with.... Was just plain dumb

And Mr. Silver eyes just concentrated on his work and completely ignore the fact that I was nearly pissing my pants

The door opened and Desmond walked in, when he saw me leaning against the wall in one corner
He smiled at me but I couldn't force myself to smile

Am about to cost him his job
what kind of ill luck is this , I am on the verge of losing my job too and now this
I thought I was Reuniting with an old friend and getting an extra client for Eleanor

Not knowing I was messing around with the CEO

Desmond stood in front of him but the arrogant bastard didn't even raise his head

And we just stood there like two students in trouble and sanctioned to the principal's office for possible expulsion

After keeping us in suspense for another fifteen minutes he turned away from his computer

"Are You Desmond kings"

"Yes sir"

"Do you know that lady"

"Yes sir "
Now I actually wished he had denied me

"Did you invite her here"

"No sir, I haven't even seen her in a long time.... I was surprised to see her here.... Sir I hope there's no problem"

"You will find out on your way out.... My secretary will deliver it to you "

"OH ok" I couldn't even meet his eye when he looked at me

"You may leave now... Take your puppet with you"

I want to gauge out his beautiful grey eyes so bad
how can someone be so ruthless and so handsome
this combination may work in novels but it unfair to human

A person's face should be a reflection of their soul... If your soul is as dark as hell then your face should look like Shit

I wanted to yell at him so bad but Desmond was holding the door for me and he doesn't deserve a senseless boss like this one and he surely doesn't deserve a terrible friend like me

We approached the secretary and she handed him an envelope...he stare at it confusingly.... I quickly ripped it out of his hand and ran back to the office

Despite the crazy tiny voice of the secretary yelling behind me

I hurried and shut the door loud enough to catch his attention
I clench my fists tightly and walk closer to his desk

"Sorry.. Your Majesty... But I just need to say something quickly, am sorry it took me over 30minutes to come up with it so just gimme one minute and I'll be out of your hair......... Mr. silver eyes "

He glared at me and our eyes locked for a few seconds, I felt like my skin was on fire then he turned back to his computer

"I mean sir.... Pls you need to pardon my stupidity; I was only trying to crack you up... I mean your face was kind of sad, so I thought I'd cheer you up... I didn't know you'd take it the wrong way........ Am sorry... Am so sorry, but Pls don't let someone else pay for my mistake... I'm begging you Sir... Pls this onetime"

If he was paying attention
He seemed unimpressed
And if he wasn't listening
It such a waste

"So what do you want me to do "

"Pls don't punish him for my mistakes"

"He is my employee... What I choose to do with him is my business"

"I know sir but he is not guilty.. He is not at fault here.. I just played a stupid prank... I do it all the time at work.. I forgot I was in a different setting"

Although Eleanor's place doesn't have an elevator but am sure I would have done the same to anybody
Eleanor inclusive

"Why are here"

"I came to market our designs"

"To who"

"Mr. Albert "

I wanted to ask if he was going to fire Mr. albert but I decided not to rub it in

"Can You get out of my office now or should I call security"


"Pls..... " I muttered softly

He ignored me and I toss the envelope on the floor and walked out of the office

I took Desmond by the hand and walked him to the elevator..
On the ride down.. I didn't say a word, I have to caution myself from now on

When we got outside the building
He couldn't deal with my silent treatment anymore

"What's wrong"

"Nothing..Am just.. Am sorry ok"

"Sorry... What are you apologizing for "
A guard approached me for my visitor's tag and I almost ripped my neck out with the stupid tag

"Calm down" desmond chuckles

"I can't stay Calm"

"What happened with you and the boss"

Ohh that a story I never want to tell

"I dont know what came over me...I'm really sorry I put you through this. I'm truly sorry "

I turned on my heels and ran away... I couldn't bring myself to tell him I just stripped him off his job
He called after me but I ran like my butt was on fire

Desmond and I were good friends in high school
And then we lost contact so yeah seeing him again was kind of a big deal for me.

So what if I stopped the elevator just so I could reach him anyone could have done that
that's why I prefer to deal with children or elderly than those gorgeous looking eyes with heart made of a stone

If I were Desmond.. I would just quit
I don't condone nonsense
Just because you are High and mighty doesn't mean you can just toss people away for the lamest reasons

I have spent the better part of the day in that building so I'd better just head home

Is this how complicated and draining the rich people live their lives
One day in this mad hell have killed my vibe
Now Desmond may never want to see me again

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