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I woke up to an empty bed; I rub my eyes to clear the fog...... I scanned the tiny room
the bed was empty, the room was empty too... The bathroom was also empty

Where is he......
Did he just get up and leave without informing me
I opened the thick curtains and the light ray almost burst my cornea, I Shut them back immediately

Gosh.... What says the time
I look for my phone and found it on the small drawer by the bed
Along with some cash and the credit card was still there

Why would he leave me such huge amount of cash?

Wait! Is he trying to pay me
He is trying to pay me off like some cheap hooker he picked off the streets

That explains the motel..... And now this generous act of service paid for

Did I really come off to him as some crazy horny whore...
Why else would he just disappear without saying anything?

I felt so disgusted and angry at myself for letting my lust fool me into giving in to him

It's been three years since I had last been with anyone
the experience may have been over the clouds but the after feeling is so damn cruel

Why am I so unfortunate
I thought he was attracted to me, he played that role very well

Telling me he wants me like I matter
OH crap.... What have I done?

He is married for fuck sake
what was I expecting
Breakfast in bed or what

I try to get my shit together
but it hurts as hell thinking that I was just an object of pleasure and nothing more

And the thud in my chest was not helping either

It was almost noon by the time I finally gathered enough courage to leave my shame in this hotel room and just go home

I can't go to work; I'm too exhausted to deal with Eleanor right now. I just want to crawl up under my duvet and cry my eyes out.. Then go to a bar later in the day to ease the thud

It took almost thirty minutes before the old man could get me a cab... On the drive home my phone buzzed

A text message came through

**Hey sleepyhead...... Are you awake now**

The message was not the only one from the same contact; I just haven't checked my phone to see them

**Hi..... Good morning **
**How was your night **
**are you still asleep **

I almost screamed when I saw his name flip up my screen
Rich & Handsome

So he is checking up on me
why didn't I think to check my phone before assuming he just abandoned me

I typed back quickly

**yes... Just leaving, why didn't you wake me when you were leaving... **

I waited ten minutes before his reply came through

**I tried to, but you were sound asleep **

I sleep like am dead sometimes, and after last night episode... I must have actually been dead asleep
I must have embarrassed myself too

So he did try to wake me
but that doesn't explain why he left me that money

**oh okay but why did you leave me that money **

**I thought you might be needing it, since you spent your cash on for the room"

Ohhh really
that was thoughtful
I didn't even think of that
I can be dumb sometimes

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