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*Matilda *

Today was the day.... Finally
The last few days have been really piled up.... I was able the envision my designs the night after Felix left

I couldn't sleep so I just started sketching my artwork... Until it got realistic..... It was different from anything I have ever designed. It had this extraordinary details

And because I needed to make it perfect... I spent a lot of time working on it, long hours, all night in my workshop and I had to buy the beads and other materials from my own purse.. It was important that I get it done

And Eleanor's is more of mad house than a workplace

I had send in my designs yesterday and Eleanor took one good look at it and said it was perfect..
Three piece different artwork.. Exquisite jackets... I know alot of people wouldn't consider a jacket for their project most would probably just opt for a kimono

The fashion show started since Friday but tonight is the big night and I was nervous and excited at the same time

I thought of wearing a nice red dress but wearing a dress lately reminds me of how I humiliated myself trying to be like Jessica sparks some weeks ago

So today despite my anxiety Am going to do me... Wear the clothes that am comfortable in... I picked out a tight black pants and a white long sleeve tank top with one hand dropping shoulder

I wore my sneakers.. Parked my hair in a lose ponytail, apply mascara and some lipstick and I was good to go

I send a quick text to Felix
I was really worried about him though.. I haven't seen or heard from him since he stormed out of here that night

I just thought I'd relax and just let tonight pass successfully before I throw tantrums...

Then I typed quickly

***hey babe... Am really excited for the big night and nervous too.. I hope you will be there when I get called up on stage.... Can't wait to see you. HnK **

My uber was waiting downstairs everything was ready..

When I got to the venue.. It was just as crowded as I expected... The media, red carpet and of course the stars

I went through the back door and met up with some of our crew in the room that was set out for our company

The models were getting a makeover everyone was getting ready...
I moved to the mannequin and checked the displayed designs
They all looked really gorgeous.. Eleanor's plan may have worked afterall.. She did manage to pull out the best in her staffs although she still fired Vince and crazy Carol which is quite unfair but tonight is her checkout night

I looked everywhere for my denim glitter jackets but they were not displayed.. But why are they not here. I gave it to Gloria myself and she's in charge of the arrangements

I asked for Gloria but I was told she was busy back stage so I had to wait for her after a while she showed up dragging her fat ass in a very tight dress

She's one of the new staffs and I don't like her at all

"Hey Gloria... What's up... I can't find my jackets anywhere "

"Your what.... "

"My jacket... My designs, where'd you put them "

"Ohhh oh... Your piece, arrgh that's right.. If it not here, it's probably one of the those we had to leave behind "

"No shit" I scoff and fold my arms waiting for her to tell me it a joke

"The van wouldn't start so we had to hire a smaller mini van and it couldn't take all the stuff so we had to leave some behind "

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