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I returned home exhausted

With my mood already ruined from the early crisis, I couldn't go through with my usual routine of having dinner at Bitto's before heading home. Instead I just went straight home

I toss my shit on the floor and bounce on my bed

"Someone's home early" Becca's voice echoed from the kitchen

"Do You like have those strong aspirin to knock off this throbbing headache"

"No I don't.... You might need a prescription to get one though.... Why! What happened today"

She sat on the edge of my bed

"You must have fallen from heaven coz you are like the only person I know that works by the books all the time, I can't even get an aspirin"

"You are in an awful mood..... Tell me what up with you, why are you having a bad day... Talk to me so I can help"

"Why don't you start with the laundry Beck, I wonder why you haven't been doing the laundry lately "

"I completely forgot... I'll work on it tomorrow"

I rolled my eyes and crash back into my pillow

"You are not going to tell me... Why you are so grumpy today"

"Nope... "

"Alright... Get up pls... I would like to talk to you"

"Go on.... Am all ears"

"No silly... You have to sit up for this... Please Tilda"

"Am really tired Becca if this is not important.... Pls suspend it"

"It is of outermost importance"

I sat up, folding my legs and drooling like a child

''This better be worth it"

"Thank You... Tilda, I.... I have been meaning to tell you this for a while but I don't know how to say and I don't know why am feeling so anxious right now "
She fan herself with her hand

"Stop acting like a damsel in distress.... Say it already"

"I'm trying to tell you... That am moving out"

"OH wow... You are going on a vacation... Congratulations.... I'm glad they finally grant you your leave... Well deserved... So where are you traveling to.. Do you want me to tag along"

"No... Am not going on a vacation. Tilda am moving out and moving in... With Pene"

My jaw dropped
She didn't just say that

"Is that so..... " was all I can manage to say


"Okay.... I guess your relationship is getting pretty serious after all"

"Yes it is, and I know you think it just been six months but those six months have been the best of my life"

"I know you told her.. That I convinced you not to move in earlier... She probably already hates me for that am not going to try and stop you this time"

"She doesn't hate you... She actually adores you. How can she hate my very own best friend"

"Ohhh really"

"I swear I have thought this through Several times, I didn't just wake up and decide to move out"

"I guess that's it then... You are moving.... In with Pepe Sue"

"It's Pene sue.... Short for Penelope Sue"

"Who cares what the Chinese shithead bears?"

"She's actually Japanese"

"Yeah whatever... Still under the same umbrella,"

"Yeah... And I would really like it, if you two can,you know be cool"

"Am cool... I don't know about her"

"Am sure she's just fine"

"Better... so you are leaving that's fantastic... Can we talk about this later... I really need a good sleep now"

"Tilda...... I'm leaving this weekend; we don't have so much bonding time"

"This weekend "
Now am pissed, I gave her a hard glare and she sighs

"When were you ever going to tell me?"

"Am sorry. It too soon.... I've been trying to tell you but you never exactly gave me a chance to'

"How... Do you mean... We live in this house together. You see me every day and you didn't think I should have known a bit earlier "

My day just went from raining to thunderstorm to full blown hurricane

"I'm sorry.... "

"Are You really going to throw all this away.. You said you have thought about it but I don't think you have... This is absurd.... I mean this weekend like three, four days away.... When did you become so selfish.... "

"What would you have me do....? Sooner or later I would have to leave "

"Ohhh well get going already because this is just unbelievable"

"Pene and I are getting married"

"What?! "
She's getting married... Oh my God

"She proposed already"

I swallowed hard.. I don't even know what to say


"She asked me to stay in but I refused, several times now that we are actually getting married.... this is the only way we can get to know each other better.... "


"I know it's a lot... When she proposed last night I didn't even expect it... But I love Pene.. And I want to embark on this journey with her.."

Well ain't you so sweet

"If i don't do this... I may as well regret it for the rest of my life"

I suddenly felt guilty... I have always managed to convince her that jumping into a lover's hut doesn't make the love stronger.... But how would I know... I am tragic at love experiences.. I shouldn't even be advising anyone

But then what would I do without my best friend, she literally does everything in this house and I'm just like a stay in guest

I would be completely useless if she leaves

"I know you are probably thinking of how you would survive without me... Pheew I basically don't think you can"

She giggled and I smiled

"No.... You can survive without me... You are the unstoppable Matilda. You are strong and amazing and confident. Am sure you can pull through... "

"Can does qualities actually pay for the rent and other bills involved in staying alone"

"You don't have to stay alone... You need a roommate so you can manage all the bills together. "

"Am I gonna find one like you"

"Am not sure there is ... But am pretty sure.. You can find someone better"

"I doubt that"

"But you know you have to cut up unnecessary expenses... And you also have to fix your shit, like doing your own laundry"

Now.. Yeah am totally screwed.

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