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      🎵 Adele... Water under the bridge
🎵 Rita ORA.... Only want you

I just had the best night of my Life
Literally the most significant life of my entire adulthood

I couldn't keep it in... I just went on and on about it like a chatter box
When I turn and look at him while he drives... Something tickles in my stomach and am blushing uncontrollably

This man right here is my good luck charm... He came into my life and just spin my world around..

He gave me a new sense of feeling and I suddenly feel like am a part of the bigger picture or maybe am the bigger picture itself

"Get out of the car"...... Felix said disrupting my thoughts

"Whaaat! " I looked out the window and it was like we are in the middle of no where

"Just get out of the car Matilda "
He hopped down and I followed suite

"I don't understand.... "
The cold chills hit my skin and I rub my arm for warmth

"Why are we here Felix, first you won't say a word to me on the drive down here and now you pulled over in the middle of nowhere and you are acting really weird.... I don't get it "

He finally turned to look at me and then his gaze was fixed on the floor and I could hear him breathing heavily and roughly

I moved in front of him as he rest his back against the car and fold his arm, I placed my hands against his chest and raised his head with one slowly

    "Hey is everything okay..... You don't look too good "

He didn't answer instead he looked away

    "Tonight is by far the best night of my life, first I got to showcase my art to the world and then "... I scoff loudly

"I walked the runway for the first time ".... I giggled
"Dressed in my exquisite designs with the crowd cheering for me and applauding me for my hardwork, it was beyond magical... But you know what all these would be nothing without you by my side.. Supporting me, advising me, encouraging me.... I feel like I have everything I have ever wanted and am so overwhelmed "

I paced around spreading my arms and then I stood in front if him and
I held his hand in mine

"And am so carried away in my own fantasy.... I wouldn't shut up for one second about how excited I am about tonight that I didn't notice that you are in a fowl mood... Am sorry about that.. So tell me what is the problem "

Everything fell back silent....
All I could hear was the breeze sweeping off the grass
It was too quiet

"Nothing can possibly go wrong now... I mean am at the peak of my career... I just announced my fashion line to the media and I named my jacket.. The mistress can you imagine... I couldn't think of anything else........     oh God you should have seen Eleanor's face when I told her I quit.. She was about to explode... " I burst into laughter
"She had it coming so I don't feel bad about that..... Babe Yunno what we should be doing right now, we should be celebrating.. Yes it's our win win night.. We'll probably drive round the city and go back to the condo in wee hours, share a nice bottle of wine and just have fun.. What'd you think"


"Okay now is the time to say something Felix... Anything "

"What do you want me to say"
He sounded really low and cold

"Duh something... Don't just stay quiet "

"We can't keep doing this Matilda "
He said after some minutes of deep thinking I guess

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