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When I stumbled on the bottle under of vodka
My day was made
Alcohol somehow lightened the mood
The burning liquor filled me with so much energy

We shared the bottle and I sat on the floor,
Time swept by quickly and I don't even feel like leaving
It's not like there's any one at home

But I don't want to take advantage of this opportunity, so I insisted on leaving then he said

"No.... Stay a little longer"

And that melt my heart...
He promised to wake me up so I won't be late for work

And all I see is a really lonely person.
When I placed my head on his shoulder and he didn't push me away
I realized they might be so much in his unspoken words

I followed my first impulse and turn to kiss him softly on his lips

I had already placed my lips on his; before I realized what I was doing and pulled away quickly
I wonder what he must think of me
a cheap horny slut

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back surprising me with an overwhelming kiss

I glued my eyes shut and try to think but everything was complete blur
I gave in and kissed him back passionately

His tongue melted mine and his lips tangled around mine
It tasted even better than Nutella
And nothing has ever tasted better

We were on full blown romance, making out on the floor of his office
His strong hands are everywhere and I was drowning...

I can't keep my expression in check, I moaned softly in his mouth and he moved to my jaw line.
My knees were weak and am out of breath

He kissed me back fully and I moved my hands quickly to his pants.....
My mind is on fire

And then all of a sudden, he pulled away, his hand, his mouth, his breath.. his fragrance, were all gone...
It felt like I was living a fantasy and it ended so quickly.. Too soon

I looked into his eyes and it felt cold
I ran my head over head....
Trying my best not to jump on him

"I realized I don't have any condom in the office "

Ohhh really.
He stopped because of that
But why would he do that
Ohhh Matilda.. You are such an idiot
Do you think he is a fool like you that would just go on... With it...
Without using protection

He probably thinks am down with something..
The way he is looking at me with sympathy. Made me hop on my feet and gathered my shit

My canvas were scattered on the floor, I picked them... Grab my bag and sketchpad and moved to the door

He opened the door
He couldn't wait to get rid of me
I turn back to look at him...
And he just stared at me...

I took on my heels and hurried out of the hallway.
When I got into the elevator...
I screamed at myself

What the fuck is wrong with me
how did I go from being the incompetent marketer to the next available slut

He knew he was working his charms on me and I was falling for it
and somehow I thought the arrogant bastard was trying to make up for his mistakes

I had no idea he was using me
He made a fool out of me
and kicked me out of his office

Am I really that foolish and naive
Do I really lack any sense of humor

The moment the elevator beeped open at the ground floor
I hurried out of the building like a mad woman

The security guards stared at me awkwardly too
Ohhh my God
Do they know... I was up there with their boss

Of course they do,
He probably entertains different women after work hours
And I was just his dinner for the night

I bowed my head in shame and hopped into the first cab I came across

The drive home was longer than I would have wanted
I wanted to slap myself in the cheeks so bad

When I got home
I paid the cabbie and rushed upstairs
I put on the lights and slumped on my bed

Then I decided am not going to let this thoughts crush me
this things happens
He is hot and am available and then we made out

No big deal
the better part is making sure
this never happens again

I wanted to scream at him so bad
But then again I cautiously remind myself

Maybe he thinks am a bad kisser
Maybe my breath smells like rotten egg
Maybe I unconsciously bite his tongue
Maybe he didn't like that I gave in too easier
Or maybe he isn't interested in me at all....

Why do I keep torturing myself
I kept thinking about it until I fell asleep

The next morning crept in quickly and then my phone beeped
and I grabbed my phone from under the pillow

It was a message from Becca

"Hey sleepy head.... Get out of bed or you'll be late"

I can't believe she's doing this
I was about to toss my phone away when another message clicked in

It was from an anonymous number

"Hey.... It time to wake up. You don't want to be late"

I jumped out of bed and Looked at the phone number again.....

Ohh my God
He didn't
He actually remembered to text me

I screamed out with Joy
this ten words have just made my day
I texted him back immediately

"Yeah.... I'm up, thanks."
Then I immediately typed another message

"Do you want to go out for breakfast or something "

I hold up on the send button and thought about it

This is really too forward
I mean, I know am lonely and needy but I can't just jump on the next moving bus

Which happens to be an arrogant bipolar rich and handsome dude?

I spent the whole of last night, thinking about his rejection
maybe am not ready to give in so much

The MistressOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz