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Preparing for the night event
Leave it to my wife to have the whole house roaming with strangers

I know since I agreed to go with her tonight, she would literally make the house her camp scene

Her stylist was here, the makeup artist, the professionals of God knows what

She made preparations for me too
They brought several suits and shoes to match..

I couldn't get any work done so I just went to bedroom and try to work on something but my head was messed up.....

I shouldn't have agreed to go on this event with Jessica
I shouldn't get closer to Matilda
Not when I know I can barely control myself when she's around
She's like fresh fire

She probably thinks the worst of me and wouldn't want to have anything to do with me after realizing that am married

And I am married, happily or not so happily married to the woman who made me feel on top of the world in high school and made me feel even luckier in college

I remember when my dad had asked me what my biggest accomplishment was so far at that time
I had said:

"Getting Jessica to fall in love with me"

But looking down now at where we are after so many years later who would have thought that another lady is the main thing on my mind that is getting me to agree to another round of public attention and gathering

The door fling open and Jessica rushed in looking like another version of her

Of course there's always a different theme for every event and sometimes I don't even recognize my wife

Her hair color can be grey, white, pink, brunette or darker shade. Anything at all
But thankfully today her hair stayed blonde... Her normal blonde. It was tied up in a funny way. They are probably still working on it but she does look like something out of a comic book

She's wearing really heavy makeup with her eyelids glittering every time she batt her eyes

She's still wearing her corset and hanging her robe around it

She screamed

"What are you doing"

Let's see... Am laying on my bed with my laptop on my laps. What's wrong with that

"What does it look like am doing"

"Honey... Why are you not dressed "

"Why are you screaming" I yelled back

"Am sorry... " she wave a hand in the air
"Besides why is it so hot in air"

"I should ask you that.... You are the one who decided to bring your entire dress and makeup crew to the house"

"But.........there are just the regular numbers"

"The regular numbers. Why didn't you take them to the venue.... And do all this there"

"There are coming with me but I am not going to go to the red carpet looking like a homeless wreck"

"Your point exactly "
When has she ever looked like a homeless wreck.. Looking at now this even more pathetic than looking like a homeless wreck

"Anyways... Darling why are you not dressed, The limo is already outside and you still in that.... "

"Limo... What limo"

"The one taking us to the venue "

"Am not going in a limo"

"Honey.... Sweetheart, this is a big deal. All major stars and fashion icons are going to be there.... And we are attending red carpet so we are not just supposed to show up in just any ride..... The footage will be taken from the car... So please get up and let's get going"

"Am not going in that...... Jessica "

"Ohhh God.... Baby Pls we don't have all day, let's just go... Bear with me just for today "

"You heard me Jess..... "

"Don't you understand, am going to be late for my own show"

"You are the one.... Hosting a show not me, I don't even need to attend red carpet"

"Honey.... Don't you get it, we are to be seen together as a couple that we are, you should be supporting me with these things... Not going against me"

I stood up.. Nice and steady

"Good.. Thanks"

"I'm ordering Chinese, do you want some"

She glared at me angrily and throws her fist in the air, muttering something as she dashed out of the bedroom

It annoying when she tries to get me tangled up in her paparazzi drama... By tomorrow my face will be everywhere with the bloggers hinting something about my outfit, my looks my whatever and I don't like that

She's the celebrity not me
I don't have to put up with this
No... Not anymore

The house got a lot quieter after Jessica and her crew of clown makers left the house

I took my time in the bath before trying my newest addition of suit collections

They had brought over a dozen for me to pick out from and I was not exactly thrilled to play model in front of them so I just picked three...... I know I would find one good enough for the evening and if I don't I'll just pick one from my closet

The first one was a charmer
the navy blue suit with a nice cobra black shoe.... My hair was still wet from the shower so I applied a little oil and comb gently giving me that silky shiny spark

With a bit of confidence.... The man staring back at me looked top notch. I sprayed my cologne and grin broadly

Why do I need those bunch of busy bodies when I can clean and come out fresh By my self

I hopped into my SUV and drove to the venue...
It was less than an hour drive so I arrived there in no time

I hopped down and handed my keys.. A lot of camera flashing in my way as I made my way into the building

One of the ushers directed me to my table, I said hello and hi to a few familiar faces and unknown ones as I settled down to enjoy what seems to be a long night

Music was playing softly in the background; my eye trailed every corner of the hall

And then I saw her for a flash
I redirected my gaze back to the side of the stage where she stood, smiling and chatting with the guy standing next to her
I only caught a glimpse of her but I was certain, she was the one

My body was in motion all by itself.
I couldn't take my eyes off her,
And when she moved from her spot to the backstage and I couldn't see her

I stood up and excused myself from the table...
I followed my instincts and arrived at a door that says


I didn't even have to wait too long before she dashed out through the tiny hallway in a very short golden tube dress with a pair of sneakers of course why am I not surprised.. She looked perfect

And a microphone headset hanging over her hair .
She looked up and saw me and nod her head

"You... "

"Hey.... Can we talk for a moment Pls"

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