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When I got to work this morning
It was like I was thrown into an overcrowded moving train

The whole place was crawling with people... I had to check the sign outside to make sure Eleanor wasn't doing a give away or some charity

I managed to pull through the crowd saying... 'Excuse me' like a hundred times

I thought the crowd will reduce upstairs but apparently there were everywhere

Two skinny girls were sitting on my desk one other guy on my chair with his leg up...
They had mess the whole place up with burger and donuts...

"Excuse You... What's going on here, why are you guys on my desk and what the fuck is all this rubbish "

"Sorry about that miss... We were told to settle down wherever we want "

One of them answered

"Yeah... Now I want my space back.. Can you just get up and vanish or something.. "

They resisted especially the guy.. One of the girls had to pull him up before he stood up and then he had the guts to say to me

"Have gat my eyes on you "

Can you imagine... After getting rid of their rubbish and I still couldn't find Vince or any familiar face .. I went straight to Eleanor's office

So apparently this side of the building was crowd free and calm too...
I wonder what the hell is going on

Stacy walked out of Eleanor's office and move to her desk

"Hey Stacy... Can you talk"

"It depends.... I have alot on my plate and I need to attend to them right now"

"I won't take much of your time.... Every inch of the workshop and showroom is crawling with all sort of people... I just don't understand where they came from "

"Eleanor invited them " she punched into her computer

"For whaaat! "

"She wants to change the system of everything here.... Yunno the fashion week is coming soon.. So she just wants to improve her standards like she said "

"I don't get it"

Stacy sighed and turned towards me and spoke more calmly

"Eleanor is scared koko might outrun her in the forthcoming fashion show. You know he worked with her for over six years, so he knows basically everything... And he will be debuting his new fashion line at the events.. So Eleanor wants to avoid a scandal.. So she hired different professionals from all fields to take part in the preparation towards the fashion week... New designers, new models, new creative executives.. New everything "

" but they are like over a hundred people here..... Isnt that too much"

"I really dont know what that woman has in mind..... As it is we are spending way above budget..... And we only started today"

"So what's going to happen to us during all of this changing "

"I really don't know malty... I wish I did"

Eleanor's door opened and she walked out with Jessica sparks
Oh. Hell no. Could today get any worse
I just want to disappear before she sees me... I don't feel comfortable at all around her

"Ohhh hi Matilda... " Eleanor chipped in

"Hello Eleanor "

"Do I know you "
Jessica's sing song voice echoed in my ear and I thought I had heard wrong

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