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   *Matilda *

Eleanor is a very tall woman in her fifties, her hair is a short dark Bob with tiny but visible grey edges
her tall and slender form gives her this sense of confidence that just commands attention

Her office is an expression of her personality, well organized and dark as her soul,

In the last eighteen months that I have worked here I probably would have called to sanction in this office over eighty times, hypothetically speaking..

Eleanor is one of the best designers in town and she designs the best and most elegant outfit of all times with our help of course

But she likes to think that her business mind and personality has earned her, her position in the society but it is because of people like us that she is able to have what she has now.my designs are the most sold out and I know how much she gets for each piece of my art

It hasn't been easy working with Eleanor but I have always tried to blend in wherever I find myself and I try to make the best of it

I crossed my leg and chew my gum as she takes her seat in front of me and glare at me through her thick glasses. I can't drink coffee she'll find it very disrespectful, I can't chew loud she will have my head

There's one thing.. I've learnt so far working with Eleanor
Never feel or look intimidated by her or she will take advantage of your fears

"Suarez.. You Are late again" she started softly
"How long do you want us to keep discussing this"

"Eleanor I sincerely tried..... I woke up as early as possible and hurried to the bus stop but you know the rush..... Oh what am saying? Of course you don't.. I mean you've never taken a bus " I try to sound as calm as ever

"If only the company can provide me with a car or a company bus then maybe...." her expression almost made me laugh but I held it back as I continued.... "Maybe I can make it on time"

"Excuses... Excuses " she bang her desk "You are not the only one who lives miles away from here. You need to start taking your job seriously Matilda or it won't be yours for much longer.... "

I try to interrupt but she raised a finger to shun me

"Hush....... Pls am not done talking..... I am fining you for your consistent lateness... 10% of your salary"

No way.
I was already fined 5% last week for spoiling the coffee maker
How can she do this to me
How much would be left from the peanut she pays me
I can't let her do this
I jump to my feet

"No Eleanor... Pls don't do this to me. I can't afford to lose any more money this month. My rent is due and I can't even meet up... Pls don't fine me..... Just punish me with anything else but pls don't fine me..... I will do anything. Scrub the floor for two days or weeks but pls don't deduct my salary I beg you"

"You should have thought about of that before matching into this building like you own the place"

Those stalking cameras

"Am sorry about that."

"I don't know what else to do for you Ms. Suarez. As it is you are not good at a lot of things "

As you are clueless... You old hag
My designs earn you fat cheques and credit alerts
You need me

"I'll do anything Eleanor... I swear"

"Okay okay, let's see if you can do anything...... As you know, We recently started our male clothing line and we are still in need of customers"

"I don't design male wears.. Eleanor"

"Would You let me finish"

"Sorry... Go on"

"I want you to go out there and get us male clients, good clients"

"Huh... I don't understand " am I just suppose to randomly pick good male client from the streets

"What is so hard about that... You will just go out there and advertise our brand "

"But how"

"Talking to people in the right manner, and telling them about our services that's all"

"But You don't pay me for marketing"

"Well.. Weren't you the one that insisted on doing anything"

"Yeah I know... But this is "

"This is... What? Worse than scrubbing the floor"

"No... It fine... I'll do it "
It can't be that bad, talk to a few people and get them to patronize us... Easy pixy
I click my tongue

"So where do I start from"

"Ask Stacy for Albert James office address.. Remember Albert is not your only target get him to introduce you to his friends and colleagues too"

Easy for you to say
After all you just sit here and call the shot

"Okay.... "

About an hour later I stood in front of where I'm supposed to find Mr. Albert Einstein

I entered into the building and if you think the building was too corporate from the outside wait until you see inside

Well I always thought tall buildings are just meant to caught your fancy from the outside but here it a WHOLE different view

I took my time to observe as I watch people roam around in suits and tie.... Busy minding their business. I suddenly feel and look out of place in my baggy jeans and old sneakers

I approached the pretty lady behind the desk

"Good afternoon.... Welcome to Harper's holdings.. How can we help you "

"Hi... Am here to see Mr Albert from Eleanor's designs"

"Pls hold on"

She made a call before giving me directions

I head to the elevator and waited forever to get a lift

They are constantly moving. what's going on here ,finally I snatched one quickly

As I stepped into the elevator
Then I saw a familiar face walking around the corridor

It's Desmond in suit and tie
No way.... Little Desmond is all grown

I placed both hands on the door and step out one foot

"Desi.... Desmond.... " I screamed

I can't step out of the elevator because It took forever to get this one

And I may have just found myself an extra client

"Are You getting in or what"
A deep voice echoed behind me and I turned to stare into the most gorgeous, fascinating and intriguing pair of eyes I've ever seen

Oh my.....    

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