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There was one thing that was inevitable in my daily life nowadays
It the fact that whenever my body is in retired mood

My whole system just shuts down automatically....
And that I have no control over

I spent the night thinking..
I couldn't concentrate on the new series I just bought

Recalling his name alone has huge effect on me not to talk of seeing him  and actually getting close enough to inhale his intoxicating cologne

I try to wave it off, shake it off my mind but it was impossible...
I sat on the couch opposite the TV, instead of the normal zombie apocalypse on the TV all I saw was Felix... His smile, his perfect white teeth, his grin, his wink,
I could even hear his deep calm voice vibrating my inner self

I didn't think he would still have so much effect on me after all these while

I finally dose off in the early hours of the morning and helped my self back to my room

Whatever I was dreaming about didn't get to it destination or promise land because someone was yelling my name and dragging back to reality

I try to open my eyes but everything was still drowsy and I was falling back to sleep mood but she wont let me

"Get up already.. Matilda for goodness sake " her voice echoed

I finally opened my eyes and blink a few times to get a clear view

"What the fuck.... Sally... Are you out of ya damn mind"

"No... You just need to wake up"

"And why.... Is Today Tuesday "


"Do I have to go to the clinic "

"Not today "

"Did they refix the sister's meeting to an early date"


"Then why are you bothering me.. You silly girl"
I land my head against the pillow while she shook my leg but I kicked her off

"Get thee away from me sally.... "

"You need to get up.. You have a visitor waiting for you outside "

"Everybody knows what my nap time means to me and no one dares to intrude... So go tell the visitor that am out of range and he should come back by noon "

"It noon already Tilda, and he has already been here earlier.. I told him you weren't awake and he left but now he is back and he is waiting outside.... So pls just get up"

"If it Julian..  He'll understand... But it can't be Julian because he is in Italy for the weekend.... Who is that "

"I don't know.... I have never seen him before"

I sat up

"They are probably here for Nana... "

"No they are not.... He specifically asked for you and he is really fine gentleman " she blushed "I don't think you should keep him waiting any longer "

"This better be worth it or else... I'll bite your ears off"

I stood up slowly and rubbed my eyes

"Are You not going to change from your nighties "

I stare at my oversized maternity gown underneath I had nothing on

"I don't have energy for that and am sure this would only take a minute because I have to return to bed"

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