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I have never been to work on Saturday before in all the time I have worked here

I have been really occupied these last few days..... I spend a lot of time working on my masterpiece

Yes my dresses are now masterpiece... When I showed Eleanor the draft yesterday she loved them and she approved all three

She's not really big on praises but she looked really happy and impressed by my work and mostly my commitment

Usually if I present five of my designs to her, she was would just trash most of them and keep one but this time she picked three out of four

And that's says a lot and the fourth one was a work in progress
She even said she wants the three dresses in same color...
And she would like it to be on the last showcase

You see.... Masterpiece
So I arrived early to work to finish the dresses and fittings

The hallways were filled up even more than our usual work days..
The models were coming in for fittings and rehearsal for the big day tomorrow...

Strange people were coming into our workspace and sitting on our chairs and distracting the guys from concentrating

I packed my stuff and moved to another room very close to Eleanor's office

Pamela has stuff to do so she will be joining me later....... So I'll just keep working alone till she comes

Becca promised to drop by Monday, she was supposed to come tomorrow but I will be here tomorrow too... So I asked her to make it Monday

Joey is still avoiding me..... And we have our hands full for the week. so I decided to give him time
By next week..... I'll have to apologize for my behavior

I was embedding one of the dresses when I ran out of glue
I walked out of the door.. And bumped into Stacy

"Heyyy... "

"Heyyy" she looks like she's been doing alot

"What are doing here... "

"The workshop is a mess, the models are everywhere. I need some peace and quiet to concentrate, So I decided to work here.. "

"Cool........ "

Eleanor's door opened and she stepped out

"Ohh there you are Stacy. Why is the coffee taking forever.... "

"Am working on it... Eleanor "
She hurried downstairs

"It's good to see you.... Matilda "
I smiled and a lady walked out of Eleanor's office. I think have seen her somewhere... She looks radiant in her short summer gown and her wavy golden blonde curls bouncing as she turn towards Eleanor"

"Ohh Elly... Where's your assistant"

"She's getting the coffee"

"Ohh I don't think I want coffee anymore... It really hot don't you think.. Let her get me something chilled..... Apple juice maybe "

"Ohh okay.... Maltilda" I turn around like I didn't hear my name... "Ms. Suarez "

I acted like I didn't realize she was calling me, I was staring awkwardly at them

"Yes... " I pasted a huge smile on my face

"Could You pls... Tell Stacy to get apple juice for our guest.. Not coffee"

"Sure... "

I hurried downstairs to find Stacy in the kitchen working on the coffee maker again

"Heyy... What's wrong"

The MistressМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя