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The rest of the evening was a blur
Desmond insisted that we go out and have dinner
so I had to wait for him to clear his desk

My head was in a fog
I try to make sense of the situation but how can I when the truth has just presented itself before me

Felix Harper is married
He is so married that I should have never missed that fact for a tiny second

The restaurant Desmond took me to was a fancy one just like his really nice expensive car

Am actually not that surprise that Desmond was doing well for himself... He was one of those really smart kids in high school.. Who never missed a class and did all their homework on time.... Kinda how he saved my lazy ass from failing, he was my maths tutor

The restaurant was so nice I know I look odd here but I pity the poor guy who thought it be nice to bring silly me to this kind of place

I ended up staring at the menu for thirty minutes..... Before settling for coleslaw and Desmond was wondering if I was on a diet or something but he wouldn't understand... I don't understand myself either

I was so excited to see Felix, imagine having to deal with crazy Carol for two weeks just to work on something that was not even appreciated

Desmond had to do all the talking by himself because for some reason my mind was pretty occupied and I couldn't concentrate but I was able to pick that

He recently just got married to the love of his life.... Can you imagine
He is married too
I admit I didn't pay any attention to him when we were younger but he is looking so much handsome now, so masculine and polite and works at a big firm

And he is also married....
Are all the good men taken
Will I ever find a nice responsible handsome for myself
Arrrgggh... Get a grip Matilda
You are the last one to ever wish for someone like that

As I argue back and forth with my subconscious mind
Desmond must have notice I was distracted so he decided we do this some other time since we had alot of catching up to do and I wasn't in the mood to talk

He gave his card and made me swear to call him... And I promised that as soon as I get a new phone he'd be the first to know

But.... Guess what! I lied
I'm not going call him
I'm not going back to that damn office either
I've had my fair share of married men drama and I don't want to get tangled up with sweet Desmond

When we got out of the restaurant
Desmond insisted on giving me a ride to my apartment but I firmly declined

He knows I can be really stubborn so he just had to take my word for it
and hired a cab for me

I returned to my empty big apartment
now I regret coming home straight from the restaurant
I could really use a drink right now
and this silence is messing with my head

Back at my tiny apartment.... If old Bob is not playing his annoying rap songs..... You can be sure Jenna's kids would be banging on something just to disrupt your sleep

I hated the noise but I swear this silence is killing me
He just got me a big fancy apartment and abandoned me in it
If his plan was to make me miserable then he has succeeded because I am feeling terrible right now

I was contemplating if I should go out, somewhere, anywhere I don't mind spending the night at Stacy's... Even though I can't stand that alligator

The doorbell rang and I almost jumped at it....
I didn't mind that I had unbutton my shirt and I didn't even bother to think who would be at my door

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