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So here I am sitting in a park
I don't exactly know what am doing here but I am dressed for a run

I barely did a hundred laps before I crashed into one of the benches

And now I'm watching for Becca and her girlfriend or fiancée as they rub off each other all lovey dovey

Becca deserves to be happy and if this robotic girl makes her happy then so be it

It's a day before she leaves and I just decided to join her on the run. Just to spend more time with her
and am looking lost and out of place

I can't remember the last time I came to this park

I felt someone sit beside me but I didn't flip... I was so taken by the display of affection in front of me

I wonder when anyone would ever love me and treat me like am worth it

Why do I even flatter myself..... I know that I can't be a part of something special because I am too fucked up and too complicated

No matter how hard I try am always just going to be that girl that no one wants to get tangled or involved with

Which is why I don't bother wasting anyone's time.....? The moment you get too clingy... I cut you off

"For someone who talks way too much, you are awfully quiet this morning"

The deep voice echoed it way to my head and I snap back to reality and turn to see who just said that

I jumped out of my seat when I realized who it was

It was Mr. Harper. The Mr. Harper
Not in suit and tie, but in perfectly fitted slacks and his short jet black hair wet and curly

I opened my mouth to speak and shut it back the same way...
I tried to speak but words failed me.

What was he doing here

His gorgeous silver eyes and perfect jaw fixed on the waterfall in the middle of the park

I just stood there like a lost kid intrigued by a fairy tale

"What happened to your seat.... Why are you standing"

"I.... Uhmmm.... I... Was getting ready to go .... for another lap"

I stretched my hands in the air and kick my foot too
Completely unsure of what I was doing but pretty sure I was making a fool out of myself

"Okay.... " was all he said as he bend over to tie his shoe lace
In my eyes he might be doing it the normal way but in my mind he was going in real slow motion
And you have no idea what that was doing to me

I took five feet and walk back to the bench and sat beside him with both hands on my thighs

"Well hello to you sir....."

"Hello to you too" he answered smoothly

"What are you doing here?"

"In a park... With over hundreds of people.... I'm doing the same thing as you"

Ohhh silly me. I shouldn't have asked that. I should try and beg him again

"If You are worried about your friend. You should know I didn't fire him or suspend him"

"Ohhh... That's a relieve. Thank you so much sir..... " I place my hand on my chest

"James told me about your... Is it fashion line"

"Yes sir"

"Because of your first impression... I wasn't even going to give you a second thought but seeing that you are remorseful.... You can as well drop back and show me what you've got.... Here is my card.. Call in for an appointment"

"Ohh thank you... Thank you so much. You won't regret this"

He nod and stood up

"You'd better not be crashing my elevator the next time we see"

"I won't even go near it"

He jogged on

"Thank You sir... "
I jump on my feet and suppress my scream

Such a turn of event
Thank you for bringing me to this park Becca. You are a genius

Later on
Penelope Sue took us out for breakfast at a nearby restaurant

Early today... I was so sad that I was about to lose my roomie coupled with the crazy things that went down earlier this week and I was even thinking of a love story for myself but here I am feeling better
I think I could actually survive

"So babe.... I was thinking that we let my mom do all the baking.... Let her handle everything baking because I know she's been dying to hear me say that"

Becca said as she chews her salad

"Yeah..... If it not so much trouble. Sure"

Penelope's voice is like a recorded tape of a disguised kidnapper... I mean she always sound so accurate, calculative and precise....

Her words are always like a sentence.... It is almost impossible to not hear her which is why she never repeats herself....

Or probably she just doesn't like talking when am around. Which is ridiculous because I'm always on my best behavior

Every time she says something. It sounds robotic, stiff and composed. Which is why I didn't like her at first then I found out she was a software programmer

And I just concluded she might have just been too subjected to her own work that she's starting to act like one

I still don't know how Becca can deal with her... She barely laughs.. To any of my jokes... None at all... It's annoying
At least you will pretend to find it funny

Her dark short hair and really dark eyes compliments her outfit which is always mostly black suit or like today she's wearing black jumpsuit slacks that shows her non feminine body structure
Flat boobs and butts... Hard as a rock stomach and she's like a pole

I mean look at Becca
She's the kind of girl.. You want to just look at and smile

she has long curly ginger red hair with her sweet green eyes and she's just a foot taller than I am.. And she's so nice and soft... I mean they have nothing in common

But then again
I hear like charges repel
unlike charges attract
this has to be one valid example

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