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🎦 Half Girlfriend - Stay a little longer
*Felix *

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It felt strange having someone in my office at this odd hour

Usually I'm always sitting here in my office watching the sun go down
there's no point, rushing home

I would be there alone... All by myself in that BIG house, so I spent the best of the evening hanging out with myself

And then she showed up, her usual chirpy and lousy self
I wanted to curse Claudia for giving her an appointment by this time

I tried to kick her out the easiest way I know... But she didn't creep out and run away like other ladies would. She made sure to put me straight.

And I realized there's no point pushing her away... I can at least try to deal with her for a few minutes

The way she talks and gesticulates. You just want to her to keep talking....
I forgot that I wanted to get rid of her and continued to enjoy our conversation

Then she told me about her designs, she stood up from her seat and walk round to stand next to me

Her closeness made me shiver, she was smiling and talking and putting a strand of hair behind her ear

I work with women daily. My assistant stands as this close to me every time she has to explain something to me

I never felt this way before, I could barely concentrate on the designs she was showing me

She wasn't wearing anything distracting but she got me lung tight and I just want to touch her.... So bad

And then she kicked the bottle under the desk, and revealed my little shinning bottle

And then she took a gulp
that bottle was supposed to last the whole night
Well I guess the more the merrier

We shared the bottle
and she sat on the floor resting her back on the desk.... So carefree
Jessica would never sit on the floor like that
not with her expensive dress or exquisite body

"Such a beautiful view.. You have here"

She stare through the transparent glass walls and smiled
She has a beautiful smile too

I sat beside her on the floor as we shared the bottle of vodka together

"You don't happen to have like those cool music to light up the mood... Coz it beginning to feel alot stuffy in here"

"No... I don't really listen to music... "

"Too bad, I don't have them on my phone... When next you are coming.. I'll bring my boom box... "
She giggles

"When next.... Like I'd ever see you again" then hiccups followed

"I would like to see you again "
I admitted.. She's funny; she's care free and dauntless.... I don't think I know anyone like her

"You just say that now because you are drunk.... "

"Am not drunk... "

"Yes you are... And by the time you wake up. You would be back to your usual arrogant self"

"Arrogant.... Do you think am arrogant"

"First grade arrogance..... That's you"

"I am really not that bad"

"I'm really not that bad... " she mimics me as she place a finger on my nose
That felt like ice to my burning desire

"I think I have to go"

Did she feel that too
I held her arm back and when she turned, We were just inches away
I could feel her breath softly on my skin as she stares intensely into my eyes

"No... Pls stay a little longer "
I begged, I really don't want to be by myself

"But I have work tomorrow... And there's no Becca to wake me up"

"I'll wake you up"

"How... "

"I have this habit of waking up really late and my roomie is no longer there to wake me up so"

"I'll call you.... "

"You don't have my number "
I took out my phone from my pocket and hand it to her
She looked confused, but she still took the phone from me and punch in her number

"I wonder what happens.. After the alcohol leaves your system"

"I'm far from drunk... Matilda"

"Wow.. ..I like the way you call my name.... Ma.. Til.. Da... "

"Then you must call me Felix too"

"OK Felix..... I'd like to drop the.. Sir too"

"Yeah.. "

"But why would you just sit here and drink up on your own.. When you can hang out at any bar of your choice"

"I don't like the crowd "

"Really.... "

"I like my peace and quiet "
She was resting on me now, with her head on my shoulder..
We glare out the dark without saying anything

And then she turned to look at me, her eyes fixed on mine, then she bend over and placed her lips on mine
Electric fireworks In my mind

She pulled away and looked at me
My reaction must have been cruel coz she turned away but I pulled her back quickly

My lips on hers as I deepen the kiss, my hands rest on her chin until she gave in and kissed me back with the same passion

She tasted like different flavor of candy but mostly strawberries
The more i suck, the more aroused I got

Her hand ran over my hair and neck as she pulled in closer, I grabbed the small of her back and pressed her against my chest

My tongue dingles around hers and her lips melt in mine
we were changing position and taking charge at interval

My other hand pressed her neck and trailed down to her breast, feeling the warmth of her body against mine

She moaned in between our kiss and I kiss even harder if that was possible.
We are deep in each other's throat and not giving time for air

My hand that stayed on her breast moved down to her stomach and lift the helm of her shirt and pushed my hand inside

I find my way quickly to her boobs and pressed softly
she cried and I groan.
I pulled out and kissed her jaw then went back to her mouth

Her hands were working fast too
I didn't even realize where they were until I heard my zipper

It was like snapping my head open
am I really going to have sex with this extremely arousing woman in my office

I pulled my hands out of her shirt and pulled out of the kiss immediately

She gazed at me as she tries to catch her breath and I try to even mine

"What....Happened "

I want to continue so badly
but if I go down like this
I may regret it for the rest of life

"I... I remember I don't have any condom in the office "
I swallowed hard, that's a reasonable excuse... She needs to know
I don't just sleep around

"Ohh" she said and ran her hand over her now swollen lips

"Okay... I guess tonight is not our lucky night"

She stood up and gathered her shoes from the floor and picks her stuff

"I should go... "

"Yeah.... I understand "

I walked her to the door and she stopped once more to stare at me
If she'll just come one inch closer . I will lose it and slam her against these walls

But she just walked away and I watched her leave

When I shut back the door
I sighed heavily
that kiss was out of this world

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