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I don't how long I cried for
But I was there for a while
Just thinking about how shitty my life had turned out to be

Someone banged the door and I kicked my foot under the door to indicate am in there

"C'mon... Tilda, I know it's you.... "
Stacy voice echoed from through the door

"What do you want.... Stacy"

"Would you come out pls... You have been in there for a pretty long time"

"Are there no other empty toilet"


I stood up, blew my nose and flush the unused toilet then I opened the door and walked passed her to the wash my hands

"Hey.... Tilda, what's up"

"Stacy... The other toilets are empty"

"Yeah I know..... But you wouldn't have come out if I didn't say that"

"Yeah... Right"

"I recognized your pink shoes and you were there for a while I was worried "

"I'm fine,, just needed some... Me time"

"Some me time in the toilet... Come on Tilda, that's the dumbest joke of the century"

"And you find it funny "
She stares directly into my eyes which were red by the way

"Were You crying"

"What.. No"
I try to wash my face

"Tilda... Is something wrong, you know you can always talk to me"

"Ohhh pls.... Stop acting like am not a pain in the ass to you too"

"Okay.... Why would that make you cry?"

"Everyone hates me... "

"What makes you think so"

"They think am selfish.... Do you also think am selfish"

"Okay Tilda... This is weird because you usually don't care about what people think of you"

"Not when those people are my friends "
I blew my nose

"What are you talking about? Who said that to you"

"It doesn't matter who... What matters is that everyone that I think I care about don't actually see it that way.... Is like I don't show them that I do and deep down I do... I really really do. "

"Okayyy.. You lost me, why would anyone think you are selfish"

"What do you think about me"

She chuckles

"You are alot of things but you are not selfish.... You just don't make out time for your friends as much as you should..... I personally can't remember the last time we hang out this year"

"But that's because... You are always in a hurry to go out with your boyfriend Jerry"

"Wrong... Jerry and I broke before my last birthday. Am dating someone else now. His name is Liam"


"You won't know this because..... Other than seeing you....... Briefly at work.. You are mostly MIA.. Not in bad way but... You like to party to just do you.. I can't blame you for that... And when you wanna gist..... Or gossip, it only for as long as you are interested which is always a short while...... But I can't blame you for that.. You are still the most fearless person I have ever met in my entire life and I respect that"

"Thanks...... But how come I didn't figure this out sooner"

"You were never here... I remember the day you told Eleanor you were going to the park for fresh air and to get inspired on your new designs.... And you actually went for a concert"

We burst into LAUGHTER

"That was epic"

"Yeah... But you were not the only one who wanted to go for that concert.
You were just the only one. Who had the balls to stand up to Eleanor"

"Am so sorry"

"What are you sorry for.... Girl forgot about that.. What's important is how you move forward from this. You can of course trash all the complains and live your life....if it makes you sleep better at night "

"Nooo... Way, Becca had issues with this too and I feel bad that I never gave her the opportunity to tell me about it... She was talking to our crazy landlady instead. Now she wants to kick me out"

"Why... Are your rents due?"

"Not yet... But it will soon. Speaking of which. I still need to find a roommate "

"I can speak to a couple of girls....or guys"

"I don't mind.. I just need someone to share the bills with before Mrs Beckinsale actually succeed in kicking me out"

"Very funny... " she fixed her lipstick
"I better go now... There's a lot to be done... I haven't finish making the guest list and Eleanor is losing it"

"The exhibition is this weekend right "

"Yeah "

"what can I do to help.... "

"No kidding" she chuckles

"Am serious... I wanna help"

"Wow..... This is a different Matilda. The only way you can help is by giving Eleanor spectacular designs for her show..... That's the only thing she needs right now"

"Great... I should get to work immediately.... Thanks Stacy and I apologize for my nonchalant behavior towards you"

"Its fine.... Where's my coffee by the way "

"Ohhh I forgot I'll go grab them now"

"Say hello to sexy jack for me"

I smiled and left the restroom
after settling for work
I concentrate on creating the best for the show on Sunday

Everyone pretty much had their hands tied so I couldn't get much help
So I spend extra time working on one piece

I left work pretty late.... The latest I have in years
I got Chinese takeouts and went home

When I got home
I placed a call to Becca
But it went straight to voicemail
She must be working night shift at work

Her chirpy voice in the background

"Hey there.. You have reached Becca. Am currently unavailable. Do drop your message and I will get back to you... Byeeee "

I thought of the best non offensive way to drop the bombshell
But I couldn't find any
Becca is the sweetest PERSON I know
She wouldn't do anything to hurt me

"Heyy Becca... It Tilda here.. Pheew. You already know that..... Uhhhm Becca I was thinking if we can get together sometime this week.. I miss you so much... Let's catch up... Call me pls"

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