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I don't think I have ever been more scared my whole life, I ran out of breath
Begging for someone to help us

I felt dizzy and the ground was spinning. I was so close to the ground and so far at the same time

Strong arms held me up and I looked down to see two other men carrying Felix from where he was laying unconscious....
They round him up inside the same car that had knocked him down
I want to argue, beg them not to allow that evil woman take him but Leo  was right beside me, helping me take my steps towards the same car... I want to protest but he kept saying

"You are going to be just fine miss, just take deep breaths "

I sighed heavily, have I suddenly lost my voice too..... Leo got in the car with us sitting next to her in the front.

I keep trying to stay still but the contractions between my leg was driving me nuts... I was making all sort of sounds....

Till we pulled over at the hospital  and two stretchers were pulled out for us.
I took one look at his still form being dragged into the hospital...

Tears rolled down my cheeks
Pls stay alive.... I prayed silently, I can't lose you..... I can't forgive myself if anything happens to him knowing he was only trying to protect me

We were separately wheeled but I can hear the doctors and nurses run around with us... Down the alley
Something to do with pulse..
We were directed in two ways him to ICU while I was taken to the theatre and I don't even know which one hurts more the pain that disrupt my whole body system or the fact that Felix is in a critical condition

Then I passed out
I just moved swiftly from the distress and pandemonium in the hospital to an open air field
I don't how long I snapped out of reality but I was in a better place ...
Everything was sunny and beautiful
I was in a sunflower field, my arms were spread in the air..

I was wearing a pale yellow simple dress, my dad had given me for my sixteenth birthday.. I hated it then but now it feels good to wear something my dad bought

Then across the field he stood in his favorite Manchester united polo waving to me
I ran my best across the field to get to him and ran into his arms

"Oh dad..... I miss you so much"

"I miss you too pumpkin "
He roughen my hair playfully

"Why did you ever leave me"

"Because I had to"

"Am going to have a baby dad"

"Amazing "

"I don't think I can do it "

"And why not"

"It Felix, he was hit by a car and he is unconscious..... I don't know what to do dad.. Am so scared I don't want to lose him... I don't want to lose another person I love so much"

"Then don't..... Keep fighting on your own end and let him struggle to meet with you half way.... Remember you are my strong little princess. You can do anything you set your mind to do... Never give up.. I love you "

His last words echoed in my ears
And his face and body began to fade away
As I drift back to reality..... With someone calling my name repeatedly

I opened my eyes slowly and Nana was sitting beside me on the bed holding my hand firmly

"There You go baby.... Open up....... Hallelujah.... She's awake. Go get the nurses sally..... Can you hear me Tilda. It me.. Your Nana, nod your head if you understand what am saying "

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