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The next couple of weeks was quite magical
I look forward to each day like it matters
He dropped by almost everyday since we talked in his car
We had come to a mutual understanding that we both had to agree for the baby....

After he left that day my Nana and I had a talk that helped clear my foggy mind

"Nana I didn't expect you to be so nice to a man that broke my heart, knocked me out and left me shattered"

"What! Would you rather I do"

"I don't know maybe sprinkle water on him telling him it acid or use your magic wand or something "

"I never owned a magic wand... It was just something I cooked up to chase your male friends away when you were a teenager....besides am getting really old, I can't be trying to beat a grown man.. . But I hope you didn't expect him to rave at him and ask him why he did what he did..... He cheated on his wife with you and then he left you to be with his wife..... I don't see anything wrong with that.. I think he is just trying to do the right thing....
You knew what you were getting into and you choose to dive into it... Falling in love with him was your doing "

"But still.  ., I don't think I deserve the way he dumped me, like I was a piece of old furniture "
I said sadly

"That was unfair to you, but were you really expecting flowers and cards then have him dump you in a limo.
Life ain't butter cookies. Life's a bitch
The more exciting and fascinating it gets the more bitter and rough the journey becomes "
I inhaled softly

"So what do you think of him.. Nana"

"Felix, I think he's an hardworking, intelligent young man... With confidence.. He told me about the business ventures that brought him to town... Did you know he's buying the old captain's house beside the post office... He's converting it to a morden guest house"

My grandma sure sounds flattered by Felix's achievements

"He's a successful business man "
I added

"And young too, it doesn't matter that he came from money... If he is able to put things in order, make decisions and nail bigger contracts then he is a genius in his field"

"That he is" I admitted coldly.. Hearing Felix's credibility just leaves me voiceless..
Is there anything he is not extremely good at  he even has a degree in heart breaking.... Isn't he just awesome

"Do You know he is a book lover too, he has read most of the books on my shelf and he was also a very good history students "

Now I wished I didn't ask
Too much info,
Nana was an history teacher herself so she has natural likeness for someone good with history

"So I see why you got off easily"

"He wasn't that hard to talk to.. He didn't beat around the bush like most dumb confused boys would have. He went straight to the point and convinced me of his good intentions.
He is also a very time conscious person another trade of a good business man"

"If only he wasn't..... " she muttered softly and waved it off

"If only what Nana... If only he wasn't married"

"Oh but he is .... He is very married"
She said as a matter of fact

"Do You think am making a bad decision by letting him be a part of his child's life "

"it's not a bad decision, it doesn't matter how the child was conceived, every child deserves the love of both parents, one can never be enough. As much as your father loved you.. He wasn't able to fill the space of your mother in your life.... At least do it for the baby "

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