~9~ The sun is shining

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~9~ The sun is shining

Arriving at the university, amazing things happened. The rain clouds moved away, it got brighter and brighter and finally the sun came out.

Of course this did not happen in a few minutes, it took about an hour. And exactly this one hour we spent in the small lecture hall of Professor Chu, who was teaching.

I had knocked on the door and the professor smiled immediately when he saw me. "Xiao Zhan, I'm glad you came for a visit." He said and invited Yibo and me to follow his lecture.

Yibo found it very amazing that the professor even had time to talk to the students and give them his full attention.

"That's the way it is here. Fewer students per class means more time for the teachers and professors to get involved with the students and teach them optimally". I explained to Yibo when he asked me if this was normal here, that the professor not only imparts his knowledge and then continues.

After class, Professor Chu called me to him and said, "I heard what happened to Seo Joon and I am sorry. We always liked seeing you together, you were such a beautiful couple. That must have been hard. But lucky you didn't stay alone and let someone new into your heart."

I was confused at first, but then I realized. Obviously he assumed that Yibo is my new partner. And before I could clear it up and tell him that Yibo is actually my boss and not my partner, Professor Chu was already on his way out of the lecture hall.

Yibo smiled at me and said, "Hey, should I change my relationship status in the social media now?"

"Shut up, this isn't funny."

"Yes, it is, in a way."

"Oh, yeah? And why is that?"

"Well, apparently your professor thinks I'm good enough for you."


"I saw him looking at me. And he was secretly looking for my name on his cell phone. I could see it just before his display went off."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Sure. I saw it clearly, and he obviously thinks I'm good enough for his model student."

"Best I explain to him how it really is. I don't want anyone to get it wrong."

"Like who? The people who want you to finally start living again?"

"What's that have to do with this now? Imagine that making the rounds and reaching someone who knows you? You'd feel uncomfortable if everyone suddenly started talking about you because they think you're in a relationship with some guy."

"First of all, I don't care who talks about me in any way. Secondly, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

"Because of your parents? So you have a new way to piss them off?"

"No. Of course not. My parents like you, so I guess there's no point."

"Yeah, they like me because they could make a billion yen deal through me."

"That's one reason, but not the main reason."

"And what is the main reason?"

"I'll tell you another time. Now come on, lets reenact your first meeting. before the sun changes its mind and it rains again."

"Whatever you say."

We went outside to the campus and I showed Yibo where I was standing and where Seo Joon had come from. I explained it to him again, hoping that this would be enough, but Yibo dashed my hope and pushed me into the middle of the campus.

My second chance to love! [YiZhan FanFiction] ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu