~22~ A quiet day in bed

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~22~ A quiet day in bed

After Yibo's tears were dried and our breakfast was eaten, we thought about what we wanted to do. It was clear that we could forget the park and would stay in the apartment and make ourselves comfortable in front of the TV. The only question was, what do we want to watch?

Yibo was interested in everything that had to do with speed. Fast cars, fast motorcycles, as long as they speed up. And of course he preferred action movies where there was a lot of action. Only horror movies he couldn't stand at all, or some unrealistic dramas, where at the beginning the female main character was super strong or intelligent and turned into a totally annoying and constantly crying idiot during the course of falling in love.

Well, there wasn't much choice. I surfed the www a little bit to check out what new movies and series are in at the moment and got stuck on a series called The Untamed. Yibo and I read through what the series is about and decided to do the special version of it. Twenty episodes, reduced to the most important parts of the series.

I pulled the TV with its mobile TV table to the bed and we snuggled under the blanket

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I pulled the TV with its mobile TV table to the bed and we snuggled under the blanket. Outside it was still raining cats and dogs and it just didn't get any brighter. Besides, the weather forecast said that there will be one or two thunderstorms. So a day in bed is exactly the right thing for today.

But before I started the series, I asked in the flower shop by phone if my ordered flowers are there and if I can pick them up tomorrow. And like every week, the florist told me: "Of course Mr. Xiao. As usual, I've already prepared them, so you only need to pick them up tomorrow." I thanked her, turned the phone off, and put it down.

We watched the first two episodes in a row and then took a short break. Yibo had to go to the toilet and I tried once again to reach my parents so that they could come to my apartment tomorrow after all. And this time I was lucky, my mother accepted the call and was relieved when I told her I was at home and they could come here tomorrow.

When Yibo came back from the toilet, he asked me who I was talking to on the phone and I explained it to him. "My parents are relieved about that."

"Why do they live in such seclusion?" Wanted Yibo to know from me and I remembered that I wanted to tell Yibo about my parents. Well, I guess now is a good time for that.

"To be honest, my parents are nothing like your parents. You have to know, they grew up in the country and there was more important a worker than a school education. My father had only had eight years of schooling and can barely read and write. My mother had only been in school for six years and is therefore very uneducated. She can only read and write very little, in fact she can't write at all, except for her name. And the only thing they can calculate is how much their income is per month, what their expenses are and what is left over.

When my father became 18 years old, his parents looked for a wife for him and found her in my mother, who was only 15 years old at the time. His parents gave my mother's family two cows and a little money for my mother. And when she was 16 years old, they married her traditionally.

A year later my mother was pregnant and my parents decided that they wanted to give their child an education and moved to the outskirts of the city. They looked for work and found it in a factory. At first, my father had to support them alone, because my mother was pregnant. But as soon as I was born, she also went to work in the factory. Many of our neighbors laughed at my parents for their lack of education. Others insulted them and some ignored them.

They thought it would be better if they moved. So they moved to another suburb, which was also closer to the factory. But there it had been exactly the same. Most of them mocked them and even dared to trick them. Stealing or claiming they stole.

So they moved again, I was three years old at the time, and they moved to a neighborhood in the city where most people were like them, uneducated and inexperienced in personal relationships. They had started to avoid other people, they withdrew more and more and decided it was better if they stayed among themselves.

Through their Arranged Marriage I can't even tell you if they loved each other or learned to love each other. My mother told me that it was her duty as a daughter to marry and thus provide the family with money and animals. My father always claimed he had no choice anyway. But they both say they're good together because they're so alike."

Yibo looked at me in silence for a moment and said, "So that's why, I see." Well, what else is there to say? They are my parents and I don't know them in any other way. Even though when I was a kid I often wished they were a little bit smarter or at least graduated high school. I only resemble them in one thing about my parents, the lack of trust in strangers. Otherwise we could not be more different. But that's exactly what they made sure of. It was important to them that I always study and work hard, finish school and go to a good university.

I transfer money to my parents' account every month, I don't think they have understood until today that I send them the money. Only a few months ago my mother said that somehow they always had more money in their account than they calculated. Seo Joon and I even offered to buy them their house so that they wouldn't have to pay rent anymore. But they turned it down, they are proud to be able to pay the rent by themselves through their hard work.

After the break, I started the series and we watched two more episodes before we prepared something for lunch together, it was late afternoon. We simply put two packs of ready meals in the oven and spent the time until it was ready to watch another episode. We almost forgot our lunch.

Because the series was amazingly exciting, we didn't talk much. Only now and then Yibo stole a kiss or snuggled up to me. Otherwise it was a very quiet day in bed.

In the evening a strong thunderstorm came up, it cracked and flashed almost all the time. For almost two hours the thunderstorm cell stayed above us and as soon as it was gone, the next one came.

We watched the series until the tenth episode and then we were too tired to continue watching. Besides, my parents are coming tomorrow morning at eight o'clock and so we couldn't stay up that late anyway. Yibo doesn't seem to be nervous at all about meeting my parents tomorrow. He looks relaxed and is even looking forward to it.

When we turned off the light, the little night light at Yibo's place lit up. He smiled and pulled me to him. Yibo snuggled up against me and kissed me again before we wished each other good night. We spent the whole day almost exclusively in bed, but were tired as if we hadn't slept for two days.

And while it continued to flash and crackle, we cuddled up and fell asleep together. Before I sank completely into the land of dreams, I heard Yibo whispering: "Good night my ZhanZhan. I love you." Then I fell asleep.

" Then I fell asleep

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