~44~ My second chance to love (Last Chapter)

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~44~ My second chance to love (Last Chapter)

Five short years have passed. Why short? Because it seems to me that time is just flying by. Every day, every week, every month goes by so fast. But let's look at what's happened in the last five years.

Well, first of all, Hae Jin is married and Jo-Tae had a little brother who is now seven months old and hasn't let Hae Jin sleep a night since he was born. Every day Hae Jin comes to work with deep eye rims, but at the same time with a broad smile on his face.

Jiang Cheng and Hai Kuan are a well-rehearsed team together with my parents-in-law and together they have landed their probably biggest contract so far. They don't think about starting a family. They adopted two dogs, which are for them the substitute for children.

Unfortunately my Park father-in-law died two years ago. It happened completely unexpectedly. He suffered a heart attack in the middle of the night and in his sleep. He died in his sleep. This hit my mother-in-law very hard, which is understandable, because the two were married for 35 years and were never separated for a day. She was comforted by the thought that her husband is now with her son and that they are both waiting for her in heaven. She retired from the company and now lives in a little house on the outskirts of town, which she and her husband bought and planned to spend their retirement there.

The old lady in the bakery also died. She went home after work, sat down in her armchair and fell asleep. She never woke up again. I guess she is in heaven now with her husband and bakes him all kinds of goodies there.

My parents are doing very well. They still live a secluded life and keep to themselves, but every now and then they meet a couple who moved into the house nearby a year ago and are very similar to them.

My grandparents are still living and still cultivating their fields. Sometimes even on all fours. When they heard about Yibo, they said I was no longer their grandson and I was no longer allowed to visit them. Which I didn't want anyway. And they only found out about Yibo because my parents proudly told them about my husband. My parents also broke off contact with their parents and finally managed to get away from them and their poisonous influence.

Jin Mi has officially been our daughter for two years. We finally adopted her after all. It is hard to believe that she is already 8 years old now. She belongs to the top three in her class and speaks fluent English and Chinese. By the way she wants her dad to arrange a marriage for her. She wants to marry her classmate Jung Ho Joon when she grows up. He hasn't agreed to it yet, but she doesn't care about that right now.

Two months ago, two more heads joined our family. Because Yibo and I adopted two siblings. A boy 3 years old and a girl 2 years old. Their names are Max and Yue. A few months ago we met them at the orphanage and immediately fell in love with them. And after a short but hard fight, we got the permission to adopt them and now they are our children.

 And after a short but hard fight, we got the permission to adopt them and now they are our children

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The father role is written on Yibo's body and he is completely absorbed in it. It is great to see him and our three children playing together. How they laughingly run through the garden and play catch, sit in the playroom and build towers or sing songs together. And if he had his way, he would adopt five more children.

I like to think back often and often to the time when I met Yibo. Even if the meeting was anything but coincidental, I am still grateful and happy about how everything came together.

Four years ago I stopped, always comparing Yibo and Seo Joon. Because even though they are very similar in character, they are two completely different people. And I should see them that way and not always compare them with each other.

My psychologist said: "If you always compare the two with each other, then that's also a kind of pressure for Yibo. It creates the impression in Yibo that he has to compete with Seo Joon and constantly prove that he's good enough." I understood what he meant and started paying attention to my behavior. And after I stopped comparing the two over and over again, Yibo's attitude slowly changed and he seemed much more relaxed and very cheerful.

Our love has grown and become stronger since then. And even if I thought it was impossible, it is still true. In Yibo I not only found a new love. I realized about one and a half years after the wedding that I love Yibo even more than I loved Seo Joon. I always thought my love for Seo Joon could not be topped, but I was wrong. Because my feelings for Yibo, feel a hundred times stronger. It's like he's my soul mate and we're connected by a strong bond.

In the five years we have been married, not a day has gone by that I did not wake up or fall asleep in the arms of Yibo. Not a day that Yibo forgot to tell me how much he loved me and at least once a week he writes me a long letter telling me what he liked most this week and what he is looking forward to next. He also never misses to write me what he feels for me.

From time to time jealousy comes up in Yibo. Which is why I have a female assistant. He said he didn't want to take the chance that another man might come near me. Besides, there are only women working in our house, apart from the maintenance man and the gardeners, and one young butler. When we go out together, he always makes sure that there is a woman sitting near me and not a man. And should a man dare to smile at me, Yibo roars like a lion that I belong to him.

Every day I am glad and proud of myself that I was brave enough to give the love a second chance. I am glad to have Yibo by my side. I am grateful for his love, his trust and that he makes me so happy.

Back then, after the death of Seo Joon, I had given up and let my grief take over. I was even ready to give up my own life. Today when I think about it, these thoughts from back then seem strange to me. Because I can't identify myself with this Zhan and these thoughts. I live my life again and have a dream of a man by my side for whom every breath is worthwhile.

Every minute with Yibo is a precious minute for me and every moment with him is a treasured moment for me. I would never have thought that one day I would feel such love and get it back the same way. I am happy about my second chance to love.


And once again we have reached the end of a story and again with a happy ending. I hope reading has given you some entertainment and pleasure, just as writing has given me pleasure. I thank you all for the nice comments and the many votes. Thank you :D

 Thank you :D

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My second chance to love! [YiZhan FanFiction] ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora