~36~ Devilish angel

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~36~ Devilish angel

Jin Mi has been living with us for a week now. Unexpectedly and already two days earlier, there was a knocking and ringing at the front door, in the early Friday morning. An employee rushed to the door, opened it and took several steps back. It was Seo Kyung and his wife, together with their now three year old daughter Jin Mi.

The little girl, with the face of an angel, came running into the house, stormed towards her grandparents and greeted them loudly. They seemed very restrained, but I thought it was probably due to the presence of Seo Kyung.

Jin Mi looked at Yibo and me, grinning and then clung to Yibo's leg. She explained that he was now her new friend and would have to take care of her from now on. Which most of the people found quite cute, including me.

Seo Kyung came to me, took me in his arms and said: "I am happy to see you. Especially, I'm glad you seem to be doing well." Everyone looked at me confused and I smiled. Why not? Seo Kyung had always been nice to me. I never had any problems with him. "Watch out for the devilish angel." He whispered in my ear and I wondered who he was talking about.

But I realized it all too quickly when Seo Kyung and his wife left and left us their daughter. They left as fast as they came and didn't even say goodbye to their daughter.But she didn't seem to care about that either.

Jin Mi had been completely occupied with Yibo, who meanwhile took her in his arms and went into the dining room so that she could eat breakfast. We followed him and the little one. She sat down next to Yibo, on my seat and I sat down next to my father-in-law.

We ate our breakfast in peace and quiet, with Jin Mi being fed by Yibo. I watched them both and had a warm feeling in my heart. It looked so beautiful that I could imagine Yibo at that moment, well as a father.

Because someone had to watch over Jin Mi and the staff refused, I stayed behind. Yibo had an appointment with a Chinese representative which he could not cancel or postpone and my parents-in-law were preparing for an important meeting. So I stayed with Jin Mi and looked forward to spending time with my niece.

Which turned out to be less nice than I thought. As soon as the others had left the house, the little girl with the angelic face turned into a devil.

We went upstairs, where I showed her, her children's room and explained that she would sleep opposite Yibo's and my room. She ran into her room and kicked some of the toys that my in-laws had bought. I told her not to do that and she kicked me for it. Of course I scolded her because it hurt very much, even though she is only three years old. In response to my scolding, she spat on me and slapped me. She threw curse words at my head and then ran through the house screaming loudly.

She spread her lunch all over my face, she flailed around when I took her upstairs and even tried to bite me. I thought it was her way of acting out, because her parents left her here and I tried to stay calm. But no matter how hard I tried, this child hated me.

When I was close to despair, Yibo came home and the devil became an angel again. She sat with Yibo in her room and played with him. She ate dinner with him, let him bathe her and read her two stories when she was supposed to go to bed. And he stayed in her room for the night when she said she was afraid to be alone and wanted him to stay with her.

So Yibo has been sleeping in her room for a week. During the day I am at home and have to see how I get along with the devil and as soon as Yibo is back from work, she becomes an angel again. Just one more swing, just one more flight, just one more singing, just one more dance, just one more reading out. It's like this all the time and Yibo is only too willing to grant her every wish.

When I tried to tell Yibo how she behaves towards me during the day, he laughed and said he couldn't imagine that she could be evil. When I asked him to spend the night in the bedroom again, he told me to be considerate that she is still very upset because her parents gave her away.

Worst of all, when Yibo asked me if I am really jealous of a three-year-old little girl? Of course Yibo thinks so, because the little one looks like a sweet angel and her cute squeaky voice rounds it all off. Everyone who sees and hears her thinks she's a sweet angel. How could they not?

This morning, after everyone had left the house and I was alone with her again, she ran out into the garden and trampled down several flower beds. I picked her up and carried her back into the house. She bit my shoulder so hard that it bled. She kicked me and hit me in the stomach. I took her to her room, went into the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Deep eye rims, several bruises on my body and now also a bite wound. I decided that I would not look after her anymore and that I would try to talk to the family in the evening. And so I did. With little success. Nobody believed me what Jin Mi is really like when we are alone, nobody believed me that I am not jealous of her because she is currently getting all the attention of her grandparents and Yibo.

So I did the only thing I thought was right. I went upstairs to the bedroom, picked out the keys to the apartment that Seo Joon and I bought. Then I packed some things and left the house while everyone else was playing with Jin Mi. I got in the car and drove downtown where the apartment is.

Two hours later nobody noticed my absence either, which is why nobody called me. I switched the phone to silent and took a long hot bath first. Then I put on my pajamas and went to bed. They should take care of this little monster themselves. I for one won't spend another minute alone with her.

Before I closed my eyes, I looked at my mobile again, no call, no message. I was angry and wondered what I had done to deserve all this. Why did Yibo not believe me? Why didn't my in-laws believe me? Shouldn't they know what I am really like?

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes. And that night I dreamt of Seo Joon for the first time in a month. We were walking, he held my hand and smiled. I told him everything that happened in the past two and a half years after his death. I even told him about Yibo and he kept smiling. Then I told him about Jin Mi and that nobody believes me.

Seo Joon stopped and took me in his arms. "Don't give up ZhanZhan. Be strong. Find a way to prove that you're telling the truth. You're smart, you'll think of something. And treat your shoulder wound before it gets infected. Don't let her drive you away. Take a few days off, relax and calm down, then go back and fight. She wants to drive a wedge between you and Yibo. Maybe he'll understand if you're not available to him for a few days. But don't stay away too long. Remember, he loves you and will be very worried."

I nodded and we went for a long walk. Until I awoke from my dream and was back in reality. I decided to follow the advice of Seo Joon. Even though I only dreamed him, he was right. I will take a few days off and then go back and face the challenge.

 I will take a few days off and then go back and face the challenge

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