~42~ The whole story

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~42~ The whole story

This morning my parents-in-law told me that we are not going to work today and that we should all meet after lunch in my parents-in-law's big office. Also, Yibo's parents and even my parents arrived after breakfast and Yibo has been acting very strange the whole time. In the past two days, since my return, I have had the feeling that he is hiding something from me and with the visit of our parents, which was unexpected for me, it seems to be only more confirmed.

I feel very nervous and have the impression that everyone present knows what it is all about, except me. They all seem reserved and whisper again and again. And when Hae Jin came and had the same suspicious look as everyone else, I slowly got stomach ache. Especially because Yibo hadn't let go of my hand for a moment since our parents arrived.

At lunch I hardly got anything down. Yibo didn't eat at all and seemed very nervous and upset. Again and again he had tears in his eyes and tried to hide it. And when he was in the bathroom, I even heard him crying loudly. Whatever is going on here, I hope it is nothing bad.

After lunch we all gathered at my in-law's office. It is almost the size of a conference room and had perhaps once been used as such.

Yibo sat close to me and put his arm around my hip. We waited until my father-in-law's assistant had set up a screen and projector. Then the meeting started. My father-in-law started.

"Zhan, we are all here today because we have something to tell you and hope you won't be angry with us for keeping the truth from you for so long. But we didn't do it in bad faith. We did it at the request of our deceased son." I stared at my father-in-law and said nothing.

" In fact, Seo Joon updated his will once a year after you two met. He never expected anything to happen, but in case something did happen, he always wanted you to be protected. " Said my mother-in-law, and this was nothing new to me, I'd known it for a long time.

My gaze wandered to the shelf in the office and to the pictures on it. In the middle of the shelf were three pictures. A wedding photo of Seo Joon and me, on the right side a picture of Seo Joon and on the left side a picture of me, with a bright smile.

"Right after your wedding, Seo Joon made a new will. Well, actually there were two. However, the second one had been unknown to all of us until six months ago. Then we received a letter from a notary telling us to go there for the second part of our son's will. So we drove over there and he played us a video." My father-in-law nodded at his assistant, turned off the light in the room and started the video on his laptop.

It showed Seo Joon smiling and looking into the camera.

"Mom, Dad and Hae Jin, surely you wonder why there is a second late part of my will and only you and Hae Jin are here. It's because, what I'm about to tell you now, I only want to see Zhan if what I suspect will happen. I made this second part in case my ZhanZhan is still alone after two years of mourning. As you know, I love him very much and the last thing I would want, is for him to stay alone and be eaten up by his grief.

Please help me to make Zhan happy again! If he really is still alone after two years, help him to become happy again. How do you do that? Well, I've done some preparatory work, and found potential men for Zhan so he can be happy. Through a lot of research, I found exactly three men that I'm sure are, who are good enough for Zhan.

Of which I have a favorite. But I have to leave it to you to find out if my guess is confirmed or not and if this is the right one for my biggest and most important treasure. His name is Wang Yibo, he lives in Beijing, is the same age as my ZhanZhan and son of the CEO's of WANG Corp.

Why did I choose him of all people and consider him as my favourite? Well, because he's a lot like me. In the past three months, I have been investigating his entire life and have commissioned several private investigators to find out everything about him. And after I had all the data together, I was pretty sure that the two of them fit together very well and that Wang Yibo, the perfect man is for my ZhanZhan. After me, of course.

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