~26~ Bad news

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~26~ Bad news

In the morning I got up, washed and dressed. Then I jogged for two hours through the park. On the way back I stopped at the bakery and bought a bread roll with scrambled eggs and a coffee. I ate the roll at the table in the bakery, drank my coffee and then walked home.

After a long shower, I put on fresh clothes and decided that I wouldn't stay home today but go to my old apartment and start cleaning out the last of Seo Joon's clothes and then take them to the clothing store.

Somehow I didn't manage to get rid of the rest of his clothes yet, but I think I can do that today. And then I will put the apartment up for sale soon. I think there will be some buyers. Even back then we were asked again and again if we wanted to sell the apartment.

But neither Seo Joon nor Hae Jin agreed and refused to sell. And then, after Seo Joon's death, I was given the apartment. But it's too big for me alone and there are just too many memories trapped inside. So I'll sell it and donate the money to an orphanage.

Back then, Seo Joon and I went there often and brought donations. So I think it would also be in Joon's best interest if I donated the money to that orphanage. Back then, Seo Joon dreamed that one day we would adopt a child from there. But of course that's not possible in this country. Still, it didn't stop him from dreaming.

I just arrived at the old apartment when Yibo called me and told me he had bad news. "Apparently there are bigger problems here than I thought and they can't be solved in two or three days. But I promise I will try to solve it as soon as possible and come back."

"It's okay Yibo. Take your time and do it right."

"Mn. ZhanZhan, I miss you. And I'd like to talk to you for a while longer, but unfortunately I have to keep going. I just wanted to let you know."

"No problem. Get back to work. We'll talk or read each other."

"Don't you miss me?"

"Yes, I do. Now go to work. This is important."

We said goodbye to each other and somehow I was sad when I thought that Yibo would be away longer. I immediately hoped he would be back before we moved to Seoul.

To distract myself I started to get the rest of Joon's clothes out of the closet. I pulled out a stack of shirts and something fell to the floor. I put the shirts on the bed and saw what fell down. It was a little black box. I opened it and found two rings inside.

My hands immediately started shaking because I remembered that Seo Joon was ordering custom-made wedding rings for us at that time. I took one of the rings out of the box and read the inscription: "With everlasting love, Seo Joon. " The other one says, "With everlasting love, Zhan."

I put both rings back in the box and pressed them against my chest. Now I know what Seo Joon wanted to surprise me with. The morning of the day he died, he told me he had a surprise for me later, but he wouldn't give it to me until we went to the restaurant that evening.

We did have wedding rings, but not the ones we had actually chosen. Ours disappeared with our luggage on the flight and we had to quickly get a replacement for the wedding. We didn't really like any of the rings, so we just chose two simple golden rings. But Seo Joon insisted that we would exchange them soon.

At the beginning we still hoped our suitcase and thus the rings, would find themselves again. But this was not so, so we ordered some wedding rings from a goldsmith, according to the ideas of Seo Joon.

A small card had also fallen down and I read it through: "To my wonderful, sweet and adorable husband. I love you, your Seo Joon." My tears came when I saw the card and read the words. It's the last "I love you" from Seo Joon to me. I kissed the card and put it in my pocket along with the box.

I kept clearing out the closets and found another box. It contained a necklace with a heart pendant. There was also a card. "Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. I love you, your Seo Joon." I put the necklace on. I thought about putting the ring on, too, but I didn't, because it wouldn't have been of any value to me if Seo Joon hadn't put it on.

At the back of his sock drawer I found another box, this one had a bracelet in it. The card that came with it said: "I knew you would find it. I love you, your Seo Joon."

I had tears in my eyes, but at the same time I had to laugh. It suited Joon, he liked to do things like that and he was always trying to surprise me. He surprised me not only with jewellery, but also with movie tickets, letters he wrote me or snacks. He always came up with something and that's what I loved so much about him. He never stopped surprising me or showing me and saying that he loved me just because we were together. He always cared a lot.

I put the cartons with his clothes in the corridor, I already called the wardrobe and they send someone to pick them up. They already know me there and were happy when I said I had again clothes for them. We never threw clothes away and donated them instead.

I sat down in the living room and looked around. I remembered how Seo Joon and I were sitting here and watching a movie together for the first time. He did it like in the movies when a boy goes to the cinema with his crush and slowly puts his arm around her.

At that time Joon put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him and smiled, then he stroked my cheek with the thumb of his free hand, bent over and gave me my first kiss. A firework of feelings awoke in me and even days later, when I thought of the kiss, I felt this tingling in my stomach, which spread over my whole body.

After Feng Lou had picked up the boxes with the clothes, I went through the apartment again. I put the rest of the pictures in my bag, checked all the cupboards again, including those in Hae Jin's room and when it was clear that everything personal was gone and only the furniture was left, I left the apartment and drove home.

Arriving home I called the real estate agent and told her that she can publish the advertisement for the apartment now. Afterwards I sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the rings once more while I ate a bowl of cold rice. I put the box with the rings in my showcase among the other memories of Joon. I looked at my new bracelet and necklace, both of them I wore and thanked Seo Joon in my mind for these gifts.

 I looked at my new bracelet and necklace, both of them I wore and thanked Seo Joon in my mind for these gifts

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