~20~ My four walls

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~20~ My four walls

I had to think briefly about the conversation I had with Guo Zifan when he and I were sitting alone on the beach while the others were playing a round of football. I told Zifan that it was weird because I felt like I had known Yibo for a long time. He asked me why it seemed like that to me and I said, "I think because he seems so similar to Seo Joon in so many ways."

He wanted to know in what aspect, so I gave him a brief summary of my last days and Zifan nodded. "Apparently, there are more people like your Joon. "

"Yes, but what are the chances I'll meet someone like him after he dies? And apparently good at reading me?"

"Pretty damn low, I have to admit."

"A strange coincidence? Or is there more behind it?" I asked Zifan, and he shrugged.

"ZhanZhan, I don't know. But you have the chance to find it out now. And who knows, maybe you'll find in Yibo someone who can make you happy again."

"Mmm, maybe. I' m definitely trying to find out. I want to get to know Wang Yibo better."

We watched in silence as they played soccer and whenever I looked at Yibo, my heart beat faster. That's when I realized I was falling in love with Yibo. To see him laugh at that moment was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. And that's when I decided I wanted to give it a chance and not run away from my own emotions.


Just before we were about to leave for home, I told Yibo that I would much rather be at my place. He asked me if I wouldn't feel comfortable in his house, but that's not it.

"My apartment is not a huge house with no idea how many employees who clean, cook and do the laundry for me. But it's my apartment, it's my four walls where I can do what I want."

"You can do the same thing in my house."

" Maybe Yibo. But it doesn't feel like a home for me. You know, if I wanted to live like this, I would. I have the money. I have enough money to buy a big house, hire employees and never have to work again. Seo Joon made sure of that, he wanted me to be well taken care of, in case something happened to him. My in-laws send me a lot of money every month. But I don't want to live like that. I'd rather live in my 70 m² apartment where I have to cook, clean and wash by myself. Where I can move around uncontrollably and just feel comfortable."

"Okay, I understand that. But what do we do now? My parents wanted us to spend time together and get to know each other better. And I want that, too."

"Can't we just stay at my apartment then? Or is it too small for you? Are you missing another bed?"

"Everything I need is there. I don't lack for anything there. And if you want, I'll gladly live there with you. With pleasure."

"So can we stay there tonight already?"

"Well, let's go to my house first, I'll pack a few things, your things are still there, and then we'll go to your apartment, okay?"

"Good. Okay. Thanks Yibo.!

"If it makes you feel better, sure."

We went to the car and drove to Yibo's house. We told his parents we wanted to live in my apartment until we moved, and at first I thought they would object, but they didn't. "Then you two do that. And if you need anything or should be anything, you let us know. And one more thing. Your dad and I were talking and we think you should take some time off until you move. That way, you'll have plenty of time to prepare."

"Oh, okay." Said Yibo. I went upstairs and packed my things while Yibo had a little talk with his parents and then went to pack by himself.

I was relieved at the thought of living in my apartment again. I felt comfortable at the Wang's, but it is something different when you are in your own four walls. And I think if I call my parents and tell them that they have to come to my apartment after all, then they will surely be happy.

We said goodbye to Yibo's parents and I thanked them for their kindness. We had to promise them to visit them at least twice a week and to write them immediately if anything happened. Afterwards some employees took our suitcases outside and loaded them into the car.

Half an hour later we were in my apartment and I ordered some more groceries online, which will be delivered tomorrow morning. So we saved ourselves from going shopping for tonight. But we ordered something to eat and a few bottles of water from a delivery service and then sat comfortably on my sofa-bench and in front of the TV and thought about what we could watch at Netflix.

But before we decided, our food was eaten up and we were just tired. I took a shower while Yibo unpacked his suitcases and put the contents into a cupboard which I gave him. After that we changed the rolls, he went to take a shower and I unpacked. I also changed the bedding and put a small night light on the side of Yibo's bed.

I would like to know why he doesn't like the dark, but I don't want to ask him about it yet. Perhaps he'll tell me about it himself. Like the thing with his ex-boyfriend.

It's strange to know that I know his ex boyfriend and know that this one really loved Yibo and maybe even still loves him. I wonder if Yibo is really over him. After all, he was Yibo's first love and the two had been a couple for two years. Maybe it's completely pointless and exaggerated, but I thought about the question, what if Yibo sees his ex boyfriend again and they get close again?

I would say it's different when you know that your previous partner has passed away like mine, than when you know that your ex partner is still out there somewhere and could run into you at any time. Sure, Yibo clearly said he wants to be with me and his ex doesn't mean anything to him anymore, but does he still see it that way when he would suddenly face him?

It's scary to think about. What if I open up my heart to Yibo and he leaves me?

When Yibo came out of the bathroom, we sat down on the sofa-bench again and agreed to spend Saturday with a picnic in the park and in case the weather doesn't work out, we will have a nice day here at home and watch one or the other movie. Maybe even a series. We will see.

But for today I am tired and only want one thing, sleep! So I switched off the light in the apartment and the small night light on the bedside table of Yibo started to glow. He shone happily at me and thanked me. We went to bed and he closed his arms around me. A pleasant warmth was created in my body, I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

 A pleasant warmth was created in my body, I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately

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