~35~ My protectors

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~35~ My protectors

When the morning meeting had started, Yibo and I had still not been reconciled. I can be very stubborn and in some ways resentful. Of course I know that Yibo's behavior was not meant to hurt me personally. But I think if this should work with him and me, he has to work on himself as well. Especially on his two sides.

I stood behind Yibo and waited for the two hour meeting that was scheduled, to begin. Hae Jin also came in today and looked at me questioningly. I told him that as a personal assistant I was not allowed to sit at the table. Hae Jin came to me, grabbed me by the wrist, and sat me down on the free chair next to him. "This is where the CEO's son-in-law has to be." I didn't say anything because my in-laws didn't say anything yesterday either. I felt rather uncomfortable.

My in-laws also entered the room and smiled at me. "Looks like you finally dare to sit down." I looked at them both questioningly and my father-in-law said: "As our son-in-law, you should sit at the table too. Whatever your job title is now. You're still our son-in-law, and if it were up to us, you'd work beside us like Seo Joon wanted you as well."

I lowered my head. It's right. Seo Joon wanted him and me to work side by side in the company then. But that was over three years ago and things have changed since then. Just before he died, Seo Joon wanted me to pursue my passion, art. Also, he died and any plans he might have had were no longer viable, and now I am with Yibo and employed as an employee in his company, not my in-laws. That too should be considered.

The two-hour meeting, during which I recorded everything that was said so that I could type it up afterwards, ended, and my in-laws asked Yibo, Hae Jin and me to stay for a moment. Of course they did not miss the fact that there is thick air between Yibo and me and Hae Jin is already raging inside.

They let us explain the first day of our work, and we explained it to them. Hae Jin sparkled at Yibo angrily and asked why he couldn't tell me rationally what my tasks were and if it would be too much to ask for at least a few days to get used to the job. My in-laws spoke similarly and reminded Yibo that we should work together and nothing else.

To be honest, I felt sorry for Yibo. All three scolded him and he couldn't really say anything except that he was sorry.

I was fed up with the reproaches and thought that Yibo and I should take care of our own problems. Of course I am grateful for my protectors, but this is about Yibo and me. "I would like to ask you to let Yibo and me work this out ourselves. It is not that I am not grateful to you for your tireless efforts on my behalf. But here are two different things that only Yibo and I can clear up. Please remember that I am an employee of his company and therefore subordinate to him. And I also want to maintain a professional attitude to represent the company well from Yibo and his parents."

Yibo raised his head and looked at me. He looked sad and I felt even more sorry for him. Even though I was still angry because he exaggerated so much yesterday, but I didn't want him to be sad.

"I'm sorry. It was the first day here yesterday and I was very nervous. I wanted to be professional, like I'm used to. Especially since I work in a big company like yours, in a high position and most of the employees are only allowed to speak English because of me. I wanted to prove to them that I am a professional and I put pressure on myself and therefore on Zhan." Yibo explained.

"How about I register you for an evening class? I mean so you can learn Korean. Then you won't feel so insecure anymore." I suggested and Yibo nodded. He should have told me, that he is so insecure and nervous. Then we could have handled this differently.

Yibo thanked me for the support and liked the idea of the Korean course as well. I promised him that I would take care of an registration right away. I had four years to learn it from Seo Joon and Hae Jin, but Yibo didn't.

"All right, Zhan, but if there's anything you need, come to us. We're always happy to help. And if you change your mind and want to work for us, let us know." My father-in-law said that before he left the room with my mother-in-law.

That leaves Yibo, Hae Jin and me. Hae Jin still looked angry and said to Yibo: "OK, now that I know why you acted like that I understand. But I warn you, treat my ZhanZhan better. I don't want him to suffer."

Yibo promised him and apologized again, then Hae Jin left. I sat down next to Yibo and he put his head on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, my dear."

"I am still mad at you. But I can understand you too. This is all new to you and a huge adjustment and then the language barrier. I understand that. But you should have talked to me about it instead of making it up to yourself. And I never intended to show off our relationship here in the first place. So your concern over the separation of professional and personal was in vain."

"Please stop being mad at me and come back to the office. I promise you that I'll be good to you from now on and I won't scold you anymore. I' II also want to go to work with you, and I'll even go home with you. Please let's talk about your tasks together and find solutions for the rest."

"What are you more afraid of, Yibo? That Hae Jin will get really angry? Or that my in-laws might change their minds about the deal?"

"I'm scared of losing you. I can handle Hae Jin and I honestly don't care about the deal. What I do care about and matter is you ZhanZhan. So please try to forgive me, okay?"

That's not the answer I was expecting. Yibo never ceases to amaze me. I've known him for five weeks now and I'm realizing more and more how sensitive Yibo really is. If you look at him, him and his stoned face, you would assume he is tough and ice-cold, but behind this mask is a vulnerable young man who is also insecure in some things.

Although I forgive Yibo for now. He still deserves punishment. I just don't know what to do. I'll have to think of something later. I'm not going to let him get away with it that easily. Besides, I enjoy making him angry. Something I've noticed in the last few weeks. It's so much fun with Yibo!

We went back to the office and Hae Jin had already made sure, unasked, that my desk was returned to Yibo's office. Well, it is actually our office anyway. Besides, Hae Jin wrote me a message that I shouldn't be so bitchy if something doesn't suit me. "You expect him to talk to you sensibly. Then you do the same too, cutie pie." He wrote me in a second message.

I'm glad I have Hae Jin. He is my protector, my best friend and confidant, who not only always stands by me, but also tells me clearly when I do something wrong. I am also grateful to my in-laws for their protection, but above all for their love for me. I appreciate all this very much and hope I will have these people by my side for as long as possible.

 I appreciate all this very much and hope I will have these people by my side for as long as possible

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