~17~ At the amusement park ~Part 2~

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~17~ At the amusement park ~Part 2~

A/N: Actually I could have left out Part 1 and named it differently. Since our two are only in the amusement park in this chapter. Anyway, it is now as it is. Hihi. Ah, I do not promise that this chapter will be exciting. Because overnight I completely forgot what I wanted to write.

Yibo looked at me in frustration when I told him that we better go to the entrance now because the others will be there soon. I know he would rather be alone here with me now, I can feel it. But it' s not going to change now. And after he's agreed to be with his two friends, I think it would be unfair to shut my friends out.

We were walking hand in hand to the entrance when someone called me. It was Guo Zifan, and he came up to me and hugged me. The look on Yibo's face said, how dare you. But he said nothing and reached out his hand to Zifan to introduce himself. It's been almost a year now since I last saw Zifan, back then we spent one more evening together before he went to Hong Kong for a job. We talk on the phone and write to each other regularly, but seeing him again is great.

The next person to arrive was Hae Jin, who also took me in his arms and said to me: "The next time you just walk away, you're going to get your ass kicked

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The next person to arrive was Hae Jin, who also took me in his arms and said to me: "The next time you just walk away, you're going to get your ass kicked. You can't just leave Yibo behind. Do you know how worried he was?"

"Oh, you're going to bitch at me?"

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"Oh, you're going to bitch at me?"

"Sure I do. You deserve a good smack on the ass."

"Yeah, all right. I won't do it again."

"I hope not, Zhan. Because if you do, I will come and you will get in a lot of trouble, I swear to God."

"I heard you."

"Just remember to at least let him know, yeah? I know sometimes you just like to back off, but he doesn't know that and when you just disappeared yesterday, he went crazy with worry. So do me a favour, remember that next time and don't run away again."

"I promise."

Hae Jin nodded and then turned to Yibo to greet him. He took him aside and I could still understand what they were talking about. "Zhan doesn't take well to such crowded events, it's because of his parents' house. And I have a suggestion for you. If you want Zhan to feel comfortable and to behave in a casual manner, then why don't you stay with him in his apartment until you leave for Seoul? It's big enough and Zhan will be comfortable there."

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