~10~ Parents' visit and memories

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~10~ Parents' visit and memories

After we came back from the university, I called my parents. The once a month visit from them is coming up again and I had to tell them that I live at another place for now.

My parents don't like the fact that they have to visit me at the Wang's now. The two of them have always had a hard time dealing with changes. New things cause them as much problems than when plans have to be changed.

When Seo Joon died, they suffered more from the fact that they had to come to Beijing unplanned, than from the death of their son-in-law. Even though the two of them had taken him very much into their hearts.

In the beginning it was a big change for them. But as soon as they got to know each other better, they were enthusiastic about Seo Joon and loved him. My mother had been crying for days when he died and even now my father often catches her crying in the laundry room.

But mostly she cries because she can't stand the thought of me being alone. She worries about me because of my unresolved grief. Because of my attempts to take my own life after Seo Joon died.

They'll come this Sunday and we'll go to the cemetery together. His urn is there in an urn house. At least for now. Because as soon as I go to Korea, I'll get Seo Joon's urn and take it with me.

My parents-in-law want to put the urn in an urn house there.

After the phone call with my parents, I went to bed and took a short nap. I dreamt again of Seo Joon and how we met in college.

But this time, it wasn't heartbreaking. I was happy and sad at the same time.

For dinner I went downstairs where the Wang's were already waiting for me. I notice that the three of them have fixed daily routines.

A little bit they remind me of my parents with their structured daily routine. Always getting up at the same time, always having breakfast at the same time, always leaving the house at the same time for work and so on.

At dinner I told the Wang's about the upcoming visit of my parents. They offered me that they could come already on Saturday and stay overnight here. But my parents would never do that.

I explained to them that my parents are very introverted people who don't like to leave the house and have a hard time getting used to new things. And the way Yibo's parents looked at me, it seemed very familiar to them.

After dinner I went back to my room. Shortly afterwards Yibo came to me and asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him. I thought maybe on the TV or on a computer. But what he meant was a movie in the house's own mini cinema, which the Wang's have in their basement.

We went to see Fack Ju Göthe, a German film. With subtitles, but still funny. (Check out the trailer!!!)

Then we had been in the garden for half an hour and watched the starry sky.

We didn't talk much the whole evening. But that was not bad either. Sometimes it is also quite nice to spend such a quiet evening. I mean, I'm used to it anyway and for me it's more of a change when it's different.

Then when I was in bed I had to think about the day and of course about Seo Joon. Since his death two years ago, I haven't had to think about him as little as I do today. On the one hand, I thought it was good, because finally my head had become free for once. At the same time, I felt like a traitor who forgot his husband.

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