~41~ Reconciliation

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~41~ Reconciliation

When I woke up this morning, my first course, just like the last few days, was to go to the mailbox. And there was another letter, plus an invitation for Yibo's birthday, handmade by Yibo and exclusive for me.

"Dear ZhanZhan, love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it a meaning. To me you are that someone. And as long as you don't let go of my hand, I'll go anywhere with you. I hope I will see you today on my birthday and maybe my gift will be that you come back. Because that's all I want. My grandma once told me that if you dare, your courage grows. But if you hesitate, your fear grows. So do not hesitate and come back to me at home, my love. I miss you so terribly. Come home to me sweetheart, please. I love you, your Yibo."

Today is not only the day when Yibo has his birthday, but also the day I will go home. I already packed my bag last night and dumped the leftovers from the fridge.

I also talked to my new psychologist about it. I already had an appointment with him yesterday and the day before and I like him very much. He is very experienced, especially in the field of grief. I also talked to him about my current situation with Yibo and he told me laughing: "Go and pack your things and then go back home to your boyfriend. You cannot solve your problems if you run away and go hide in your apartment. That's something you both need to work on."

So even if Yibo didn't have his birthday today, I would have packed my things and moved back. My psychologist Mr. Kim also said: "You are just getting to know each other and you still have to learn to adjust and tune into each other. You can't do that overnight just because you are in love. Love also requires a certain amount of work and readiness. And if you feel you need some time off, take him with you, because without him, you can't solve your problem."

After breakfast I put my bag in the trunk of my car and went to the bakery where I talked to the old lady for another hour. I told her about Mr. Kim and what he told me and she agreed with him. She also told me that it was time to stop torturing my boyfriend and go home.

But before I said goodbye to her, I had to get her promise to let me see more often. I don't know yet how I will do that when I go back to work next week, but I will certainly find a way and visit the nice old lady from time to time.

After saying goodbye in the bakery, I sat down in my car and drove home. I was very nervous and wondered what to expect. Will my parents-in-law scold me for being away for so long? How will Yibo react? Sure he will be happy to see me, but how will he react when I tell him I will stay with him?

When I reached the house, Yibo's and my in-laws' cars were in the garage. I left my bag in the trunk and only brought the gift for Yibo.

I entered the house and walked slowly towards the dining room where I heard the voices of my in-laws and Yibo. I deliberately opened the door a bit louder and immediately the three turned around to me in shock. Yibo looked at me, smiled and came running towards me shouting "ZhanZhan". He wrapped his arms around me and pressed me firmly to himself.

"You are here."

"Mn. Happy birthday, honey." I said, pointing to the gift that had fallen at the stormy greeting from Yibo.

While Yibo picked up his gift and opened it, I greeted my in-laws, who were just happy to have me back. "We missed you, boy." My father-in-law said, patting me lightly on the back as he hugged me.

When Yibo unwrapped his gift and held it in his hands, he was really beaming. He looked at it and at the caricature I drew on it. "It's beautiful." Yibo said, hugging me one more time.

After we all sat down at the table, the three of them looked at me with a stern expression. I knew what they wanted to know, so I said, "I'm back. I'm staying." Yibo, who was sitting next to me, pressed a kiss on my cheek and told me that this was his best birthday present.

When Hae Jin arrived, I got up from my chair hastily, walked up to him and kicked his ass. He looked at me confused and I said, " Never scold my boyfriend again, okay?" Hae Jin nodded and I was satisfied. The other three looked at me with big eyes.

Together we spent a nice afternoon together and even went out to the pool where the cook was still turning on the grill and grilling some meat for us.

In the evening, when Yibo and I went upstairs to our bedroom, Yibo held me in his arms for minutes. None of us said anything, but that was not necessary either. We talked on the phone every evening and talked a lot about the past week and that from now on we should pay more attention to each other's feelings and wishes. That we would talk to each other immediately if there was a problem and not wait until one of us would burst his neck.

My parents-in-law had explained to me in a short conversation that they wanted Yibo and me to look after Jin Mi for two reasons. The first reason was the poor health of my in-laws. The second reason was that they wanted us to practice being a family with Jin Mi. However, I explained to them that this was much too early to even think about it and they admitted that they hadn't thought about it very much and just thought it would be nice if we could practice like this.

Hae Jin and I also talked briefly in private and he told me that if I ran away again, he would be the one to kick my ass. He told me once again how much everyone, especially Yibo, cared about me and that I shouldn't just run away. I told him that I had heard this several times in the past days and I also told him that I had resumed my therapy with a new experienced psychologist. Which he welcomed with relief.

I also told Yibo about my therapy and I apologized to him as well for just leaving. "It doesn't matter now. The important thing is that you're back and we're reconciled." He said.

The whole day and evening I kept an eye on Yibo and somehow he seemed to be depressed. I asked him about it but he just said it was nothing, he was fine. Still, I have the feeling he's hiding something from me.

But since Yibo doesn't seem to want to talk about it, I leave it for now and keep an eye on him. Maybe it's just because of the past days, all the stress, the grief. Who knows. And if it is something else, I hope that he will confide in me soon.

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