~13~ A date?

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~13~ A date?

We ate some of the snacks we bought in the supermarket, drank a bottle of water and looked up at the sea and the waves. Nobody else was there except us, except a few sandpipers and seagulls.

I lay on my back again and looked up into the sky. A white cloud in the shape of a mask flew over us. Yibo lay down next to me and pressed his head against mine and looked up at the sky, too. "What are we looking at?" He asked me.

I pointed to the cloud with one finger and said, "It looks like a mask."

"That's right, it really looks like one."

Yibo reached for my hand and with his thumb stroked it. My whole hand felt a tingling sensation. "Tell me about your husband's twin brother. Why is he the black sheep of the family?"

"I don't know everything either, but what I do know is enough. His parents said that even as a little boy he was always different. He liked torturing animals and causing chaos. He was always causing trouble even in kindergarten and had probably been violent there many times before. His parents tried everything possible, but nothing helped. So they sent him to the country for a few years to live with his grandparents. But even there it didn't last long.

When Seo Kyung was back in Seoul he was eleven years old and started to meet shady guys. He drank with them, took drugs, and when he was thirteen, he even sold drugs. He even sold them at school.

He sold them to a boy of his age with a heart problem, and he didn't even tell him what the maximum dose should be. The boy took the drugs and died. But instead of regretting, Kyung just laughed. And because he was too young, he was only warned and not punished. His parents, however, had demanded punishment. But the court did not give in.

Kyung did not even shy away from mixing drugs into his own twin brother's food. He stole from his parents, sold things from the household and even one of their cars. All together with his gang.

When Kyung turned sixteen, he ran away from home and worked in a nightclub in the black economy. The owner of the nightclub secretly ran a brothel and was pimping for more than 20 prostitutes. He made Kyung his right hand and once he did so, Kyung betrayed his boss to the police and then took over the business completely.

Drug trafficking, pimping, illegal brothel, smuggling of women and goods. For about half a year, he also ran an organ trafficking business. But he gave up all that except for the nightclub after he found his present wife. But not because he wanted to be a better person for her. He learned that the dancer was actually a daughter of a mafia boss and by giving him his business, except for his beloved nightclub, he got the hand of the dancer.

When he became a father, he did not want his daughter and always left her with his parents. But at some point, they said they would no longer go along with it. Out of anger about this, he held a knife to his own mother's throat and told her that as soon as the child is three years old, they will take responsibility for the child. He and his wife want to get back into the business and could not use a child in the process. And that is why he is the black sheep of the family. They don't see him as their son anymore and they said that if he really delivers his own daughter to them, they will take her in and raise her, but they don't want anything to do with him."

Yibo shook his head. "So he's just evil and crazy?"

"I don't know. I met him twice and he was always nice to me. But every time I saw him, I got goose bumps and my blood froze in my veins. He has a strange aura that probably only attracts like-minded people."

"I see. I hope we won't run into him in Seoul."

"I don't think so."

Another cloud passed overhead and it looked like a teddy bear. I smiled because it reminded me of a teddy bear I once owned as a child. A girl from kindergarten had given him to me for my birthday and told me that she loved me. Unfortunately I lost the teddy bear when my parents took me to visit my aunt. We always went by bus and I must have left it there.

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