~12~ He's already has me

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~12~ He's already has me

Yibo sparkled at Jiang Cheng angrily and said, "Don't say again that Zhan is stupid. He's not stupid!"

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way." Jiang Cheng replied.

"They are cousins, and Cheng would be happy if Zhan looks around again and dates maybe someone." Hai Kuan declared in conciliation.

"He doesn't need to date anyone, he already has me." Said Yibo, took me by the hand and left the dining room with me.

And it wasn't until we were in my room and sat on my bed together that Yibo looked at me again and asked me, "You don't want any other dates, do you?"

No other? I should be more careful what I say. I shook my head and said, "Of course not." Yibo looked at me with relief and hugged me.

"I'm glad to hear that, ZhanZhan." He said to me.

"You know what Yibo? The weather is so beautiful today. Let's go to the beach together and get some sun." I suggested to him.

"To the beach?Then we' II get some sunscreen, I don't want you to get a sunburn, and you better pack a shirt to wear." Said Yibo.

Am I dreaming? Or am I hallucinating? How can Yibo expect me to do what Seo Joon did? Are they so similar?

My interest in Yibo is growing. I want to know him better. Find out what kind of man he really is. I've only known him for a few days, but somehow he fascinates me.

"Okay, let's go shopping first and then to the beach. It'll be great." I said happily and Yibo stared at me. "What?"

"Your smile really suits you ZhanZhan. You should do this more often."

I could feel the heat building up in my cheeks, making them flush. Yibo looked at me and stroked my right cheek and said, "That's cute." Which for a moment made my heart beat faster.

What the hell is wrong with me? Since when do I react this way to someone else?

"Um, *cough*, shall we go right away? The sooner we get to the beach, the more time we have there."

"We can go back tomorrow if you want." Yibo said, but then nodded and said he would tell the others.

And while Yibo told his parents, I was packing my bag for the beach. I was totally excited because I hadn't been there for a long time.

I ran downstairs with my bag and waited for Yibo, who was changing in his room. Jiang Cheng came towards me and put his arm around my shoulder. "You look much better than the last time we met. Apparently Yibo is good for you."

"Mmm, I feel good around him." I said.

"I am glad, Zhan. Hold on to him. Maybe there's a reason he's good for you."

I nodded and then Yibo came down the stairs. It warmed my heart when I saw him coming towards me so cheerfully. Maybe Jiang Cheng is right and there is a reason why I feel good with Yibo.


On the beach

When we finally reached the beach, I took off my shoes and ran down to the water. Yibo ran behind me and when I stood with my feet in the water, Yibo lifted me up and out of the water.

"The water's still too cold for that, my dear." He said that and then he put me down on the dry sand.

I pretended to go back in the water and Yibo hold me back. We laughed and finally I heard Yibo's hearty laughter. He told me to smile more, but then he should laugh more. 

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