~28~ I wait for you...

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~28~ I wait for you...

Arriving at the car, Yibo hugged me and gave me a long kiss. "I missed you terribly ZhanZhan and I can't believe you almost just left."

"Well, I thought you contacted him after I told you about him. I thought you might want to talk to him."

"There's no way. The only person I wanted to see was you, ZhanZhan. Maybe you missed me, too? Just a little bit?"

"I missed you too, Yibo." I said, and Yibo happily took me in his arms.

"I'm glad to hear that. Because it means you care about me." He said.

"You guys are amazing. How long has it been going on?"

"Get out of here, Tim!!!" Yibo yelled.

"No, I'm not leaving until I find out how long it's been going on with you two."

"Not long enough." Yibo returned angrily and stood before me.

"Do you realize I've been waiting for you to get back to me this whole time? And then you finally volunteer and you don't even stand by it. And why? Because your lover showed up at the airport?"

"I may repeat myself, I have not contacted you. I have no interest in you, so why should I write to you?" Yibo asked.

"I believe it was Hae Jin who wrote to him." I replied and Yibo looked at me questioningly.

I took a deep breath and said, "Hae Jin and I talked and he noticed that I was unsure about the feelings you expressed to me. After all, we only knew each other for a few days before and yet you have already spoken about love. And I think Hae Jin just wanted me to have some kind of confirmation of that. It seems that he wants us to become a couple."

"I see. So he did it, so you can get rid of your insecurity towards me?"

"Yes, exactly."

"And did it work? I mean, are you sure I'm really interested in you now?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good. Then it hasn't missed its target."

"Seems so."

"ZhanZhan, I'm absolutely serious about you. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. I told you that before, and nothing has changed."

I look at Yibo and I ask myself, what do I really want? After missing Yibo for two weeks and knowing that I fell in love with him, could I still say no to him?


"Um, yes?"

"Well, what do you think now? About us, I mean."

"I don't know. I feel like you and I are already a couple. Like it was just a thing that happened, you know? So why shouldn't we try it?"

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yeah, I mean it." I said, Yibo, Happily embraced me. Through all this, we completely forgot that Tim was there, too. And he was just boiling with rage. He tried to pull me away from Yibo. Which Yibo really didn't like.

Yibo pulled me aside and punched Tim in the face with his fist. "I told you, I'm gonna be rude if you don't stay away from him."

Tim stared at Yibo in horror and screamed that it was my fault, that Yibo had become like this. Which earned him another punch from Yibo's fist. "Stay away from me and my boyfriend before I forget myself completely." Said Yibo in a deep and threatening voice. Which led Tim to run away.

This is the second time Yibo has hit someone because of me. Even though he doesn't seem like a violent person at all.

After Yibo had successfully chased away his ex-boyfriend, he and I went home. By the way, Yibo now refers to my apartment as our apartment. He already did that when he called me the first week he was away. He said he missed me and our apartment. Whatever. Anyway, we went home.

Already during the drive Yibo found it hard to keep his eyes open and when we finally got to the apartment he ate a bowl full of the warmed stew, then took me by the hand and went to bed with me. We haven't talked much since we left the airport. And even now he didn't say anything when he pulled me into the bed with him.

Yibo snuggled up to me and held me tight. "I've missed you so much." He muttered even before he fell asleep. I lay awake for quite a while before I fell asleep myself.

I don't even know what time it was when I woke up. But what I do know is that Yibo had apparently been watching me sleep for quite a while. He smiled and showed me a picture on his phone. "It's cute the way you look when you sleep." He explained giggling, before putting the phone aside, putting his arms around me and kissing me.

" He explained giggling, before putting the phone aside, putting his arms around me and kissing me

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"What do you say we go on a date tomorrow?" Yibo asked me.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Maybe a stroll through the city, and then finally that picnic we couldn't have the other day?"

"That sounds like two dates."

"Well then two dates, three or four if you like."

I looked at Yibo's smile and at the thought that he and I were now officially a couple, a tingling sensation in my tummy spread to my chest. I still can't believe that I've only known him for three weeks and already can't imagine being without him again.

When he was gone for the past two weeks, I looked for all kinds of things to distract myself. But in the core of my inner being, I knew that I only did this because I missed Yibo so much.

There is still this one thought in me that asks me, am I really ready for a new relationship? But then my heart seems to answer this question with a definite Yes.

But in the back of my mind, more and more questions come up at the same time. How is it possible that Yibo knows me so well? Is he really that much like Seo Joon without having known him? Why do I feel like everyone around me knows Yibo? Why is Hae Jin so committed to making me realize the seriousness of Yibo's feelings for me?

I could ask Yibo about it, but at the same time I am afraid of the answers. I don't even know why. Maybe it's because I'm afraid of losing him? After all, he is the only one who makes me feel good again, who makes me feel happy and secure. Someone in whose arms I don't have to think about Seo Joon, but about how nice it feels to be in his arms.

For the first time in a long time, I wish again that someone would be a part of my life. Someone I can love and who will love me back. My fear of losing Yibo is suddenly greater than the fear of being hurt. In the two weeks of his absence I realized that I am ready to open my heart for Yibo and to lock him into it.

 In the two weeks of his absence I realized that I am ready to open my heart for Yibo and to lock him into it

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