~30~ The first time

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~30~ The first time

Yibo and I had been out all day. First we were in the city and strolled through the shopping mall, then we had an ice cream, after that we sat at the fountain in the city and watched a group of dancers giving a performance.

At lunchtime we went to a restaurant and ordered something to eat. Nothing that was heavy in the stomach. Then we made our way to the park, where we actually wanted to have our first picnic together. But unfortunately the park was so crowded that we quickly left.

Therefore we drove out to the country and stopped at a river. We spread a blanket on the ground and had our picnic there. It was quiet there, surrounded by trees and except the splashing of the water, nothing else could be heard. A place where one can find peace and relaxation.

Although we had only planned two hours for our picnic, because we wanted to watch two episodes of The Untamed later, we stayed until evening. It was just too nice there and the weather was perfect.

In the evening on the way back we sang to our favorite songs that were on the radio. We admired each other's voices and wondered if we should have started a career in the entertainment industry. We had to laugh about this thought and shook our heads. "It's like somebody wants to hear us sing." I said it with a giggle.

When we got home, I'll save myself the trouble of saying it's my home because Yibo insists it's ours, we showered and dressed for bed one after the other. The TV was ready and as soon as we were both snuggled in bed, I started the eleventh episode of the special edition of The Untamed. We nibbled some popcorn and discussed the possible feelings of the two main actors in the series.

"I'm convinced that the two love each other, but can't say it." Said Yibo.

"I think so, too. It must have been so much worse at that time, compared to what it is now. "

"True. I read that the series is from a novel, and that they loved each other in it."


"Mn. I think maybe we should buy the novel. Who knows what's not shown in the series."

We talked for quite a while about the series and who would be the top. I thought about it for a second and then I said, "Top is definitely Lan Zhan to me. He's calm and level-headed, but he's also very dominating, especially when it comes to Wei Ying. I think he would kill anything and everything when it comes to Wei WuXian."

"I also believe that. You can see pretty quickly that he's also a very jealous type. Just the scene in the cave where they talked about MianMian, at least to me, made it clear that he was violently jealous."

"Yes, it was very obvious." I said that and turned off the TV after the eleventh episode was over. However, we were too tired for the twelfth episode and saved it for the next evening.

I went to the bathroom again, brushed my teeth and then returned to the living room while Yibo disappeared in the bathroom. I locked the apartment door, turned off the light in the kitchen and took two more small water bottles with me and placed them on my bedside table. Meanwhile Yibo returned from the bathroom.

He threw himself into bed and waited until I had turned off the living room light. When I got to the bed, he grabbed me and pulled me into the bed with him and under his blanket. He snuggled up against me and stroked my cheek. "You are so sweet." He said, and I asked him how he came to think so. He pointed to the new night lamp, the little lion whose mane shone.

I found this night lamp by chance on one of my excursions in the last two weeks and when I saw the little lion in the shop, I immediately thought of Yibo and bought it. When he was taking a shower earlier, I remembered the lion again and exchanged it with the other night lamp.

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