Chapter 12: his name

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Zhao Yixuan's strength seemed to have suddenly grown a lot, Xie Tao was pinched by her throat, her entire face began to flush, and her breathing became more and more difficult.

She couldn't get rid of Zhao Yixuan's hand at all.

It seemed that a big rock was pressing **** her chest, squeezing her chest cavity, and pulling the air out of her lungs little by little.

Zhao Yixuan's eyes had already lost focus, and there was no look. The original angry expression on the face that was scratched by Xie Tao in several places was missing, and the whole person seemed to be in a sluggish state.

But her hands kept pinching Xie Tao's neck forcefully, and she didn't mean to loosen half of it.

Gradually, her consciousness became a little unclear, Xie Tao grabbed Zhao Yixuan's wrist, but she didn't have the strength to throw her hand away.

Just when Xie Tao couldn't open her eyes, she seemed to feel a sudden wind blowing across her cheeks, and the slightly cooler temperature made her chaotic brain instantly regain consciousness.

But the classroom doors and windows are closed tightly, where does the wind come from?

Xie Tao can't tell whether everything just now is reality or illusion.

At that time, a light golden light surged out of thin air and hit Zhao Yixuan accurately.

Zhao Yixuan, who was still pinching Xie Tao’s throat last second, loosened her hand when the pale golden light hit her, closed her eyes, shook her whole body, and then fell down. On the ground, he fell into a coma.

Xie Tao, who breathed fresh air again, touched her neck, curled up on the ground, coughing violently, and physiological tears also accumulated in her eyes.

With tears in her eyes, when Xie Tao looked up, she seemed to see a slender figure.

She was breathing heavily, and the moment the tears fell down her eyes, she saw clearly that it was a teenager.

"Almost missed..."

The teenager in a black hooded sweater patted his chest and wiped a cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"You..." Xie Tao opened her mouth and wanted to ask him, but her throat was dry and sore, and she couldn't help coughing just tentatively.

"Are you OK?"

The young man walked quickly in front of her, leaned over and helped her sit up.

At that moment, Xie Tao smelled an unknown light scent on him.

He didn't know where to take out a thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, and leaned toward Xie Tao's mouth, "It's soaked in wolfberry, it's special for health, you drink a sip to moisturize your throat?"


Xie Tao didn't quite understand. He looked at him as a teenager, so why did he carry a thermos cup filled with wolfberry with him?

Her throat was sore and dry, and she didn't refuse, so she took two sips from the cup he had approached.

"Sweet?" the boy asked her.

Xie Tao nodded.

"I have added a few pieces of rock candy." The boy said, closing the lid of the thermos cup.

Then Xie Tao watched as the thermos cup in his hand disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Such a weird scene made her stare a pair of apricot eyes.

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