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taehyung let out a tired yawn, winding his window up to stop the breeze from moving his hair so much. he was about five minutes away from the airport, his camera in the seat next to him and the ladder in the back seat. it was seven thirty in the morning and to say the brunette was in a grumpy mood is an understatement. 

he hated early mornings, he missed the feeling of being able to sleep in. whenever he complains to jimin about it, the male always tells him to just stop the fansite. taehyung never considered it, the money was amazing and he could never let that go. well, he plans to when he has enough money to get an apartment. 

after parking his car, he looked out towards the entrance of the airport to see a lot of fans walking inside. their arms linked and squeals leaving their lips. the male rubbed his eyes and quickly grabbed his things and walked towards the entrance. 

he chuckled softly when he noticed all the fangirls at one gate, phones out and ready as they looked at the time. taehyung luckily has a friend that works at the airport that let him know jungkook was actually coming out of a different gate. 

so he walked in the opposite direction from the large crowd. setting up further away from the gate as he knew as soon as people saw the male walk in with his team, everyone would scream and rush towards that way. they could even knock him over, and he does not have the patience for his fans. 

he looked at his watch to see that the plane jungkook was on would have just landed. he quickly stepped on the ladder and made sure his camera setting were good before he got ready. the whole time he was waiting for those gates to open he only thought about how he just wanted to go home. 

he let out a relived sighed as soon as the gates opened and soon his eyes landed on jungkook, he quickly started taking pictures. making sure the photo's were coming out clear, and he was taking a lot so he had options. he let out a small gulp when he zoomed in to see jungkook stop in his tracks and met eyes with him, he watched the male smile and wave towards him. 

taehyung took the last few pictures of him walking off and as soon as the fan girls noticed jungkook, they all screamed and bright camera lights were flashing in their direction. the brunette turned his camera off and quickly gathered his ladder before taking another exit out the airport. 

he leant the ladder against the wall and waited for jungkook to exit the building, sighing when the bodygaurds walked out first and soon jungkook stepped outside, screaming and excited fans following him. taking the last few pictures of the male, not bothering to see if they were focused. if anything he just needed one good one. 

but it was good to have some extra's anyways to upload during the week. 

after picking up his ladder he walked back to his car, and soon drove off. he had to go home, download the stuff off his computer and go to work. he ended up picking a shift for the day, he was going to take the day off but decided against it. 


"are you glad to be back?" brianna asked jungkook who nodded his head, looking out the window as she drove. 

"it feels good to be back, I think it is also that I am off for a week as well. I finally get to sleep" jungkook stated, looking out the window as they drove towards his apartment. 

"what are your plans for the week?" she asked

"sleep, sleep and sleep" he sighed, brushing the hair out his face. 

"probably catch up with a few friends. I honestly dont want to be out much, I want to spend this time resting" 

brianna nodded, listening carefully to what jungkook was saying. she was glad that the male was going to rest his body. after the mini break the raven has, the schedule will be hectic. 

as they pulled into the parking lot where jungkook's apartment building is, he thanked brianna before taking his suitcases and belongings. "thanks bri, see you soon. make sure you rest as well" the raven patted her shoulder before walking towards the building. 

the feeling he got as soon as he shut the door behind him, was relief. seeing the apartment he missed so much was overwhelming. jungkook was not huge on going out of the country, he loved being at home. he placed his suitcase by the door and walked towards his large couch. 

he grabbed the blanket that was laying over it and as soon as his back met the couch he placed the blanket over him, closing his eyes and soon falling asleep. 

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