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taehyung had just finished having a shower and jungkook was making some dinner. the brunette was sat in the lounge, short black shorts and one of jungkook's hoodies over him. he loved how it still smelt of him. 

"your parents and brother went out to a theme park, they wanted you to have a moment to settle back in and when they get back they will come see you" the raven said, bringing in a trey of food. 

taehyung smiled and nodded, thanking jungkook for the food as he slowly dug in. 

"how are you feeling?" the raven has been wanting to ask and decided to just ask now while they eat. he watched as taehyung tried to gather words, he waited a little longer until taehyung sighed in frustration. 

"your not sure?" jungkook asked, looking at his boyfriend who nodded. 

"dont get me wrong, I love and appreciate everything you have done for me. I will spend the rest of my days thanking you for always being there, but that fear of knowing someone is watching me scares me. and me feeling this way is not your fault" taehyung wanted to add, running his hands through jungkook's hair. 

"I just hate that you feel that way, I dont want you to feel like you have to look over your shoulder every second" jungkook commented, feeling a little down that taehyung still felt unsafe. 

"im sorry" taehyung whispered, knowing he disappointed jungkook. "dont ever apologise for feeling that way" the raven replied back, pecking the males cheek before going back into his food. 

"is there any lock system on your house?" taehyung questioned, looking at jungkook who nodded. "the windows are locked by my phone, im the only one who knows the codes. the doors and gates are locked. curtains are always shut. I can hire some guards?" jungkook offered but taehyung shook his head. "no its okay" he whispered, looking down at his food. 

as the room filled with silence, jungkook started to think about how he could bump up security but to where it will be comfortable for taehyung. he quickly grabbed his phone and jotted down some ideas and set a reminder to look over it tomorrow. 

"are you here with me tomorrow?" taehyung asked, looking at jungkook with hopeful eyes. 

"yes, I took the week off" the raven replied, wrapping his arm around taehyung's shoulder as they both ate in comfortable silence. 

after they both finished eating and talking, they both noticed the time and how it was getting late. taehyung watched jungkook as he reached for his phone and started to remotely close the curtains from his phone, and lock the doors and windows. 

jungkook was glad that taehyung was watching him lock the house up, it was something the brunette needed to see. as soon as the smaller yawned, jungkook helped taehyung back into the room. he helped taehyung slide into bed, he walked to the males new office/book room and grabbed the males new macbook and walked back after shutting the door. 

"if you wanted you can set this up now before you go to bed or when you wake up. is there anything you need before I leave?" jungkook asked after handing him the laptop. 

'yeah, one thing. dont leave. stay' taehyung wanted to say but he smiled and shook his head, he blushed as he felt jungkook's lips come in contact with his softly but quickly. 

"good night love" jungkook whispered before he left the room, shutting the door behind him. taehyung quickly turned on the lamp as soon as the room got dark, he let out a breath of relief and opened up the laptop. 

'what did I ever do to deserve someone so special' taehyung thought.


"how about a dog? do you have any dogs that are cuddly but are protective and can guard well?" jungkook asked over the phone, sighing as the person hung up the phone. 

"like I get it is nearly two in the morning but the least people could do is let me know if they have a dog available now" jungkook groaned, yawning as he started to feel tired. it had been four hours since he last saw taehyung and since then he did some work in his office, writing down some lyrics and ideas for a song, read a book, watched a movie on his tv in the room while laying in bed after a warm shower. 

he felt restless, he could not sleep. he groaned and pushed the covers off himself. he turned off the lights in his room and walked downstairs, as he headed towards the kitchen he noticed taehyung's lights were on. he frowned and quietly walked towards the door, leaning his head against the door to see if he could hear anything. 

when he heard whimpers and sniffles, he knocked on the door. "babe its just me, im coming in" jungkook said, loud enough for taehyung to hear as he opened the door. his eyes immediately met his boyfriends red stained cheeks and teary eyes. he was backed into the corner of the bed, wrapped up in the ravens jumper. 

"oh babe" jungkook felt his heart clench as he shut the door and walked over to the bed, the worry that filled the raven's body was unbearable. he watched as taehyung's body shook, his hands began to shake. 

"I c-cant b-breath" taehyung heaved, hand on his chest as he tried to catch his breath. jungkook quickly slid into the bed and pulled the brunette into his arms, he rocked them back and forward slowly. 

"your so brave baby, take deep breaths for me" the raven said, letting taehyung snuggle into his chest. minutes went by and taehyung stopped shaking, soft breaths left his boyfriends lips. jungkook slowly shuffled them down the bed. 

the raven pulled the covers over them both, pulling taehyung closer to him. the brunette's head was against his chest, his arm placed on the raven's chest. jungkook reached over to turn the lamp off. once the lights were off he wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist and held him in his arms. 

the raven tried to swallow those tears that were so close to slipping out. 

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