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taehyung was pacing back and forward in his small apartment. jungkook had texted that he was on his way and the brunette started to question his life choices. he looked around his small apartment and really started to think about how embarrassing this could look. he could only imagine how amazing jungkook's place looks. 

large bedrooms, kitchen, pool, closet, dance room maybe. where as his apartment is small, only has a small kitchen, bathroom and the lounge is small and fits his desk and mattress. taehyung asked jimin if he had a spear mattress which luckily he did, by the time taehyung got home there were two mattresses in the apartment. 

all taehyung had to do was make the beds and make sure there were blankets on them.

when he heard a knock on his door he cursed, looking around the room to make sure everything was okay before he stepped towards the door. he slowly opened it and his eyes landed on a smiling jungkook who was holding a duffle bag. 

"hey, uhm we could maybe switch this to you just work where I work?" was the first thing taehyung said, jungkook shook his head and leant against the door frame. 

"nah, I want to get the whole experience of your life" the raven smiled, staring at taehyung who was nervously biting his lip. 

"hey, I am not going to judge you. I know apartments can be expensive and not everyone can afford to find a decent one. I am here to see the struggles you go through not to judge you for the things you go through" 

taehyung thought about what he was saying and then soon nodded, stepping aside and opening the door. 

"it smells yummy in here" jungkook said as soon as he stepped inside, he immediately sat down on a mattress he assumed was the one he would be sleeping on and let out a deep sigh. 

"man it is so peaceful here" he whispered closing his eyes. 

taehyung was shocked that he had no reaction to the place, it was a normal and simple reaction. not a disgusted or dramatic one. he slowly walked over to his bed and sat on it, leaning his back against the wall. 

"so when do we start work?" jungkook asked, leaning on his elbow as he looked at taehyung all excited. 

"in thirty minutes, I placed your uniform on the kitchen bench so if you want to get changed or have a shower before we go we can" taehyung said 

"did you bring your car?" 

"nah, I got dropped off here. I did not want to rely on it" jungkook replied, standing up to grab the uniform. 

"I will go have a shower" jungkook replied, heading towards the bathroom. 

'how did jungkook know where it was, i get that the place is small but it could of been a closest?' the brunette thought. 

taehyung quickly grabbed his phone when he felt it vibrate to see he had a few messages from brianna, jungkook's manager. 

one new message from bri (1)

bri: hey tae, just wanted to let you know that if jungkook seems off he got into an argument with his parents, they showed up to his house on the day we all arrived back. I cant give out a lot of detail about it but maybe try avoid the topic of parents until the stuff with his brush over.

taehyung frowned, he wondered why jungkook's parents would suddenly try get back into his life. especially after what they wrote in the article. he quickly thanked her for letting him know and chucked his phone on the bed before quickly getting changed into his uniform in the kitchen.

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