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"this looks like it would be a good spot?" taehyung commented, placing the blanket on the sand and placing the bags on the edge of it to keep it down. "hyun where is your train?" the brunette asked taking the toy out the bag and placing it on the blanket. 

he watched jungkook sit down before they opened the hot chips. as they all started to dig in, jungkook started to take pictures of hyun playing in the sand or building a sand castle. 

"do you ever want kids?" taehyung asked, looking at jungkook who immediately nodded. 

"I would love to be a dad, how about you?" jungkook asked

"yeah, I would love to be one" taehyung replied, smiling as he watched hyun giggle while playing in the sand."

"what is your schedule like when our time is up?" 

"I have to go back to paris and im doing a concert where all the profits from it go towards an orphanage, we will get food for them and clothes and toys" jungkook answered 

"how about you?" jungkook soon asked

"just working to be honest" the brunette answered, kind of wishing he could go with jungkook. he has spent so much time with the male that it feels weird to even think about not being around him. would he miss him? would jungkook miss him?. 

"oh! I have this bach house in seoul, it is by the beach and it is so nice. you should come with me when I go?" the raven asked, looking at taehyung who nodded. "that sounds amazing". 

"have you ever been in a relationship?" taehyung asked, not knowing where the question came from. 

"y-yeah I was when I was in highschool, with a girl. it made me realise I was into men" the raven chuckled, taking a bite of his chip. 

"you must of gotten so many people trying to be friends with you after you became famous" 

"oh yeah, it became really upsetting. like I was not sure who to trust, who I could rely on. it was hard to tell who wanted to be my friend because of my fame. there was a guy that I thought was my actual friend but he started to ask me for money, and a lot of it"

"we would go out for drinks and he would tell the whole bar that the drinks were on me" 

"it was unfair to be honest, made me not want to create relationships with people who knew me" 

it was understandable that jungkook felt that way, taehyung was thinking that he would feel the same in that situation. he was atleast glad the raven had namjoon and yoongi. 

"do you have any life goals, or things you want to do before the year ends?" taehyung asked

"yeah, I want to buy a house a new one. somewhere near the beach and private. I want to be involved in a business" jungkook explained, handing the brunette the coke bottle. 

"and you?"

"I would like to get a decent apartment, maybe study, own a business" taehyung replied, letting out a small yawn as he turned to look at hyun who was resting his head on jungkook's thigh. 

"already going for his nap?" jungkook laughed, looking down at hyun who was already asleep. 

"he loves the beach, he finds it really peaceful. I would not be surprised if when he is a teenager all he does is want to be by the ocean" taehyung whispered, looking a hyun. 

"are you the same?" jungkook asked

"yeah, I love the ocean" 

'I will keep that in mind' the raven thought, looking at taehyung who looked just so beautiful.

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