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jungkook and taehyung were both sat on top of a hill, they had just finished eating and drinking and were now watching the sunset along the ocean. they both were sat on top of a blanket while taehyung had a note pad in his hand, listening as jungkook talked. 

"who are your closest friends and what is your relationship like with them?" taehyung questioned, looking at jungkook who hummed. 

"yoongi and namjoon have been my friends for the longest time, they really saved my life. namjoon and yoongi rented together and I slept on their couch, rent free until I could get on my feet. we all became artist around the same time, which worked out well for all of us" 

"when namjoon could afford to get the house he has now, yoongi and I moved in. yoongi then got a house and then I had enough money to get myself an apartment since I got signed and we all have been really close since. they are all close with their parents" 

"namjoon and yoongi took me in, to be honest. brianna and I have been friends even before I knew I wanted to be a singer. when she went into business and decided she wanted to be someones manager cause she liked organising stuff and being in charge of taking stress off peoples shoulders, when I became a singer it just clicked that she would be my manager so the company signed her as well" 

"have you ever second guessed your career?" jungkook already knew the answer, it was more about did he want that on the article. but this was meant to be his most honest interview. 

"yeah, atleast everyday. I love my fans, but my privacy gets breached so much that sometimes I feel paranoid going out to shops or to grab food" 

"jin's cafe is the only cafe that I feel like I can go to where I feel safe, besides that one incident" the raven said, watching as taehyung nodded and started to write it all down. jungkook was not sure if taehyung was writing everything word for word or if he was just summarising. 

"if you werent famous what do you think your career would of looked like?" 

"maybe a personal trainer, I have always taken pride in self care and doing activities that are good for the mind, body and soul." 

"what is your relationship like with your parents?" jungkook had been waiting for that question, hes touched on that subject very briefly. it was not cause he was embarrassed, it was because he was not comfortable hearing other peoples opinions on his history and life when they have not experienced what he had gone through.

fans thought they were entitled to say what they "know" he is feeling and what he is going through. some fans act like they are bestfriend's with jungkook and it upsets the raven a lot. he loves his fans but some step way past their boundaries. 

"non existent, they used me for money, never supported me and always said I will fail. as soon as they started to noticed me becoming popular and how I was selling a lot of music and albums they tried to get in contact with me. I soon realised how toxic they were and that is around the time I moved in with namjoon and yoongi" 

he liked how taehyung did not give him a look of sympathy, he liked when taehyung just nodded and moved on after writing a few things onto his note pad.

"what does a dream vacation look like for you?" the raven was asked, looking at taehyung who sat looking at him as he waited for an answer. 

"somewhere that has a beach, lots of beautiful scenes and nature, with friends and good food and no noise and not a lot of people" 

"I just want peace" jungkook gulped, looking away from taehyung when he felt his eyesight get blurry. the brunette felt his heart clench at his words, seeing the raven so upset hurt him in ways he never knew existed. 

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